Yes I am paranoid
Just another step toward the goal of total population monitoring, tracking and control. The data and information collected from all our life intrusions (not just DNA sampling) will be used for whatever purpose the powers that be want.
The finding and prosecuting perpetrators of crime will be the touted advantage. The government will never inform the populace of the dozens or more other uses for this information.
I am a private individual, my life habits, places I visit, ATM machines I use, the money I spend and where I spend it, the mobile calls I make and receive, the emails I write, the roads I drive upon, the websites I visit. In fact NOTHING is the business of anyone, except those I interact with. Government included. Yet it is all there waiting to be data mined by anyone with a sufficient security level. Is this just a few people?, Is this a dozen people? Is it more? Who vets these people and what are their motives?
I believe the government lies, I believe the government is corrupt. As I am sure others do. Woe betide anyone who descents and finds evidence of government corruption once all this disparate information is centrally organised and indexed...... /me ensures foil hat is earthed.
If one trusts the government then one is unlikely to see this as problem.
However, think of the government not as an altruistic organisation that works for the public, but as a monopolistic corporation trying to maintain its market dominance. Now how does one feel about the government collecting and storing all this information?
The future? Governments come and go, coups happen, martial law happens, dictators appear and disappear... OK not so much in this country, yet. But the world is changing and changing very quickly, what if the rules of free speech are changed. Governments do have a habit of changing laws to suit themselves. Just like In China and other countries it could become illegal to even criticise government policy or to expose human rights issues here in the UK. All the information required to profile and find you is there. Who is to say a future government will not be pre-emptive in protecting it's secrets, lies and corruption? And those that do not fit into the sheeple profile are automatically suspects, or targets.
Why is it that some people still insist that the government acts for the good of the people? It is all about control.
Like I said I am paranoid, so please dismiss my ramblings as those of a mumbling, tinfoil hat wearing geek who spends most of the time under his desk.