It's all true..
I don't think people appreciate the devious nature of the plan.
An innocent comment in the newspaper article gives it away. Apparently someone stated that tagging a defence contractor with a coin is stupid because of the likelihood they'll either spend it or give it away.
Ahah! And there you have it. Simply produce 300 million coins, and have enough pass through the system so that every American is carrying one. The paper has revealed that 30 million tracking coins have already been manufactured, it seems they are well on their way to infiltrate the homes of every upstanding US citizen.
So as soon as the invasion plans are complete, their nano-American-tracking systems will be switched on - easily allowing them to track the movements of every American man, woman and child.
Now consider their insidious efforts to lure our elderly citizens into their country with offers of cut-priced prescription drugs and affordable medical treatment. Could it be that each of those seemingly innocent pills is embedded with RFID? No doubt the old will be the first to be culled. After all how long could you expect the senior population to last in the infamous Maple Syrup Mines of Quebec?
Clearly it is you civic duty to rush out and buy a decent variety of assault rifles, then move north to assist the FDA and their good friends in the pharmaceutical industry patrol the Canadian border.