back to article How do you carry your mobile phone?

Data on how people carry their mobile phones, gathered by Nokia over the last four years, is being presented at HCI International 2007 in Beijing. It reveals that women are missing more calls than men, and that belt-pouches are a sign of middle age. Nokia interviewed more than 1500 people around the world, in cities including …


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  1. Shaun


    Male, front left pocket (used to be fromt right until I got a hole in my left pocket that was too small for my phone to fall through but big enough for my loose change)

  2. Andy Bright

    Two ways

    When I'm not carrying my phone on the table at home because I forgot it, I like to balance it on top of my latte while I'm driving, eating a cheeseburger, reading the paper and sending a txt message to my boss to let them know I'll be late for work because some idiot has caused another accident.

  3. Charly

    Wow... 1500 people...

    Wow... 1500 people surveyed globally. This has to be an absolute indication of how the other billion carry their phones...

    What an arb' survey!

  4. Mike F

    What useful infomation...

    What useful infomation to any rookie pickpocket :D

  5. Leonard Hermens

    Statistically valid

    One only needs a sample size of around 1500 to get a 99.99 confidence level. Good enough for me.

  6. Paul Rayner

    Glued to the ears?

    Forget pockets and handbags - many people seem to carry their phones permanently attached to their ears.

  7. Allan Dyer


    Straps aren't useless, I use mine to hang the phone round my neck. Convenient for me, inconvenient for pickpockets, and, if phone radiation is dangerous, further from the organs I'm most concerned about: brain and gonads.

  8. Tim Bates

    No fair!

    I'm a young male and I carry my phone in a holster. The XDA II range just don't fit in a pocket very well...

    Mind you I did carry all my Nokia's in my front left pocket, including the 9210 and the 9500.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Art of Remembering

    > Andy Bright wrote

    > When I'm not carrying my phone on the table at home because I forgot it...

    We/Nokia conducted another study looking at what people carry and why, trying to understand why people forget things, their strategies for remembering and why ultimately the strategies currently in use tend to fail. (The research eventually discovered one guaranteed way never to forget anything ever again, but you'll have to follow the links to discover what that is).

    The what/why people carry research is summarised here:

    And related mobile phone research can be downloaded from here:

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    handbag design

    It would be good if handbag designers could read this and think. A lot of handbags have special compartments for the phone and I'd be interested to know whether anybody uses them. I never do, because they're a conspicuous invitation to theft. A few even have magnetic fasteners which can damage the things it *does* make sense to put in them, like a train ticket. These compartments are nice idea - but put them inside, and don't use magnets!

    I've just never thought of putting a textured strap or charm on my phone to make it easier to find by touch - perhaps I'll give that a go.

  11. Gav


    Right is for keys. Can't keep both in the same pocket without scratching the phone.

  12. Martin Torzewski

    Pouch clips

    Does this mean there's a chance they'll actually design pouches with clips above the centre of gravity, so that they can reliably be used in the way intended?

  13. Greg

    Bluetooth headsets FTW!

    Up until this weekend I had an MDA III, and yep, I wore it in a holster. It was easier that way. Though one time in America when I was going through an X-ray checkpoint, I went for the holster (the good old movie-style "jacket back, reach under the side of my shirt" move) and some berk with an MP5 thought I was going for a gun. That was...interesting.

    Then I got an Ameo. Can't really put it in a pocket or hold it to my ear, so I resorted to the dreaded bluetooth headset! (Dramatic chord)

    I always thought - as many do - that they were just devices to make Razr owners look even more like tits, but they are in fact really useful with phones such as L'Ameo. Instead of getting the phone out of my bag all the time (the equivalent of holding up a sign reading "steal my phone"), I can tap a button on the side of my head and use voice dialling to call, or tap to receive. It's actually really really convenient, and I have to say, I like it.

    Upshot is - I keep mine in a rucksack. ;-)

  14. Marvin the Martian

    Asians AND Italians

    Italy is full of people wearing a thingy on their phone! It's mostly Winny-the-Poohs-wearing-different-costumes, where Asia has all from MarioBros figurines to golden poo's.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Whos the Burk?

    Copying cop film "jacket back, reach under the side of my shirt" style of grabbing a gun to get your phone? Bluetooth head set on all the time? And you think the guy with an MP5 was a Burk?


    Each to there own I say, but please dont mone about people thinking you are going for a gun when that was exactly the style you were going for. Take it as a compliment that he thought you were dangerous rather than just a prat.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: Who's the Burk?

    He may be.... but at least he can spell "berk" ;-)

  17. adnim

    Seems to me Nokia have....

    ...too many marketing execs with too much time to kill.

    Does anyone care how others carry their mobile? It never even crossed my mind until today.. I am amazed how I have survived the mobile phone era without such essential knowledge. However I can now answer the question; Have I been toting my mobile in an unacceptable, non-conformist fashion?

    A suggestion for any of you out there who may consider this vital or even useful information, and are now pondering the consequence of this revelation and what it really means to life as we know it.. (as Mike F suggested, pick pockets need not apply) Get a Life!

    For anyone intellectually compromised enough to actually want to know how a complete stranger carries his mobile phone: It is always in my inside jacket pocket... until it rings or needs a recharge.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Mobile habits

    If it is of any use to anyone I carry my phone in my shirt pocket in order that I have a better chance of hearing it when calls come in, it is not infallible but I stand a better chance of recognising my calls.

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    mobile phones eh?

    I keep mine under the seat of my bike, that way I cannot hear it when it rings (if its ever powered on that is), and I can use it to call the breakdown people if I get a flat or whatnot.

    Anyway, mobile phones give you aids

  20. James Cleveland


    Changes this.

    Front (side) pockets are annoying as hell if you cycle as it means it gets stretched and pressed into your thigh as the trouser gets pulled as you peddle :(

  21. Christopher Phillips


    That random little comment about fabric... I know quite a few girls who attach fabric, ribbons, tiny ornaments to their phones... one of my friends even painted hers camo coloured.

  22. Alan Edwards


    I used to carry my phone in a Vega belt holster, but my 6230i lives in my shirt pocket.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Stretched as you peddle?

    James Cleveland wrote:

    > as it means it gets stretched and pressed into your thigh

    > as the trouser gets pulled as you peddle :(

    As you peddle what?

    Or did he mean

    "stretched as you piddle?" :-)

    or even

    "stretched as you pedal?" :-)

  24. |333173|3|_||3


    Phone on the left, iPod on the right in a clamshell, wallet and key card in the left pocket, USB sticks around my neck, and keys in the right pocket. Aprt from my wallet, which rarely has much money in it, the other items are palinly visible when my shirt is tucked in.

    My phone's holster has a swiveling clip on it, so that the phone can be clipped to ones belt in an easily reachable position without it sticking in one stomach. Now I jist wish my iPod's clamshell had one too. I doo sometimes wear my keys and phone on my neck, when I am running/cycling or in the gym,.

  25. johnmperry

    dangly thingies

    I live in China. Dangly thingies are definitely de rigeur. I currently have a wooden pig on my phone (Chinese horoscope sign). No fluffy toys for me, although enough people do. In fact, not having a hole to hang things from is a definite negative sales point. You could use it for a security strap too, clipped into left front trouser pocket.

  26. Simn Lovatt

    Re: What useful information

    May sound silly, but this sort of information can be very valuable for people who work in mobile retail :)

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