Israel, Iran, whole damn shebang
Unfortunately as GW has recently proven, military force very rarely solves anything. It is a tragic accident of history that the two A-bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasake appeared to offer a clean immediate cessation of hostilities, because ever since then any tinpot idiot with an army has come to the conclusion that talking is for wimps, and under no circumstances are they going to allow the potential deaths of thousands and thousands of humans to interfere with their self importance.
Tinpots: Most US presidents; most European presidents/monarchs/prime ministers; most middle eastern leaders (sorry don't know the complete list of titles); most every one else in charge.
I think we are forced to conclude that actually any of those who wish to lead are thoroughly disgraceful at it and should not under any circumstance be allowed to do so. I include myself in this.
All Israel will do if it pre-emptively strikes with it's nuclear arsenal is ensure it's own destruction, which would be a tragedy for the millions of quite nice relatively secular fairly innocent civilians of that country. A conventional attack, successful or not will probably not result in their destruction, but would be problematic for many many years.
Bizarre though it is the only useful route for them and us is to actually gain the trust of that rather worryingly earnest, and religious chap in Iran, which looks tricky, and convince him that friendship is the best route (trickier still). Regardless of whether he spends the time building bombs or not.
Ultimately you have to wait for Hitler types to start invading other countries before you attack them, or you are the Hitler type invading other countries. Albeit whenever there really is a Hitler type we always seem lamentably slow off the mark (WWII, Kosovo, Rwanda, Sudan etc).
I have a theory that if the major players actually acted honourably for a generation or two, tough but honest, then problems would begin to resolve. It would be a tough few years, but ultimately things would work out. Not because people are nice, but because they are clever, and honourable tough behaviour results in the same displayed back in well played game theory, because that gives the greatest chance for success (in this case a mutually beneficient draw).