hmmm its a toughie this one
i can see both points of view here. surely the amercians have the right to be picky now. i, for one, have a criminal record for a drugs offence 10+ years ago. now, the US has the right to refuse me entry, yet i am no threat at all to their security or defence. they are simply trying to put their own nations security above 'foreigners' (myself included) feelings. i only wish the UK thought more about UK citizens than everywhere else in the World.
its the same as when all those busts were happening a few months ago and all the furore saying 'why pick on us, blah blah' the answer was simple. it wasnt white non-muslims blowing up busses, attempting to blow up night clubs, attempting to kidnap and kill muslim soldiers. it was a muslim. now, i am, of course, not saying all terrorists are muslims - i know its only a tiny majority, but the americans must be thinking the same thing - if they can vet everyone fitting the demographic then they should be safer.
we seem more that happy to assume every teenager with a hoody and baseball cap is a thief, every 'drug taker' is a burglar yadda yadda... yet when a religion or skin colour comes into the equation everyone shits themselves about political correctness
the USA isnt under threat from christian bombers (well not english ones anyway - they have plenty of nutter christan fundamentalists over there already) - they are under threat from a very small minority of muslims. to be honest if i was an american i would want to know everything was being done to stop the threat of 911 happening again. its only a matter of time before all muslims are checked, and to be honest could you blame them? in the UK the majority are almost always put in danger due to the 'rights' of the minority (paedophiles etc)
all that will happen otherwise is that every UK citizen will not be allowed to use the waiver system, just because some muslims feel it is 'racist'.