"More stuff"
"They got more stuff that doesn't look too good," Smelley told the website.
Doesn't look too good for which side? The seemingly-innocent student, or the overzealous school board? Face it, when people want to create maps for games, they will likely base those maps upon familiar territory, buildings they have been in. It's much easier than creating a large map from only your imagination. And gee, a Chinese person who has an interest in swords? Color me shocked. Unless the police find blood and guts on the swords, they are irrelevant (you know, unless you want to use their existence to spread FUD about someone's innocence).
I empathize with the student's mother, who had a genuine concern. Like most parents, she is probably not very active in her son's life (and in her defense, her son probably likes it that way). That's just the typical relationship between a parent and a teenager. So I understand her concern (especially in the wake of recent events), and I can understand her reaction. I do, however, find serious fault with the police and the school in their response.
Modern-day witch hunts may go by different names and methods, and may use modern technology, but the game is always the same. Whether it's long hair, skin color, sexual preference, religion, musical preference, hobbies/interests, etc, it's always the same -- if you don't look, act, and think like us, we don't trust you.