Oh please...
Do people have nothing better to do than complain about one measly "Penryn" article ranking above their town's website on a Google search?
It's only a Reg Hardware article! Who reads that e-toiletpaper, anyway?
Hang on...
You know things are bad when something's value is predicated by its standing in the Google search rankings, but that's exactly what's happening down at the Cornish town of Penryn - apparently consigned to oblivion by Intel's chip of the same name. This is Cornwall explains: "A week ago, typing Penryn into the Google search …
Web users are not actually as retarded as the people of Penryn seem to think. If I wanted information about the town of Penryn in Cornwall, sure I would first enter "penryn" into google, but that only returned results about a technology product, I wouldn't assume that penryn no longer existed, I'd try "penryn cornwall", "penryn town" or "penryn holiday" all of which turn up no mention of intel. I'm a web developer and I know that people will simply enter different search terms if they don't get what the want in the first ten result of their first search.
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Google have a habit these days of placing the most financially attractive links(for Google shareholders) at the top or even on the first few pages of a search result.
Search for any product by model number/name only and you will be lucky if the results returned are anything more than revenue generating links to third party price guide sites, all of which are full of ads and tracking cookies. The results contained therein are not at all specific, but are rather generalisations on the original search term.
Google was once a true search engine, a general search term often produced the specific result required.
Now as is the sad way with many large corporations, revenue generation, profits and happy shareholders come way above integrity. With due respect, we should really be focusing on problem cause and perhaps cure rather than complaining about the symptoms.
"Google have a habit these days of placing the most financially attractive links(for Google shareholders) at the top or even on the first few pages of a search result."
Umm, could that be because there are far more links to, hits for and interest in cutting edge technology from a global brand than there is for a small Cornish Town?
Na. Cant be that. It must be the Lizard Men promoting there gole of wipeing out small towns by using the New World Order to slowly distroy the profitability of EComerce by reducing there Google ranking, going one town at a time.
I drive past the Folsom intel facility at least twice every day.
It seems they have been picking the names of towns from around here. So we have Penryn. Some guesses for code names, Newcastle, Auburn, Rocklin, Ophir, Coloma, Georgetown, Foresthill etc etc.
My family is from this area, the newcastle auburn and penryn area.
"Umm, could that be because there are far more links to, hits for and interest in cutting edge technology from a global brand than there is for a small Cornish Town?"
Most likely, at least in this instance. Is this not obvious to you?
It certainly was to me, I used my opportunity to respond to this article as comment on general Google behaviour. You used your opportunity to respond to this article as a humorless dig at me whilst hiding behind anonymity, well done.
BTW, I live in the UK and I have tried several gauges(thickness) of tinfoil and sheet aluminium to make my hats, but alas, this approach just does not work against cameras.
What ever will become of all the citizens of Queensland's capital city, Brisbane when all the AMD fans are looking for that term?
Personally, I'm waiting for my home town to come up as a codename for a CPU... Intel, AMD, Via... Who cares.... I'll buy one just cause it's got the codename.