why oh why
1. nuclear weapons will help bring about the apocalypse so many christians are looking forward to, since life is nothing to them but pain and suffering and only in death may they enter the kingdom of heaven.
2. you cannot argue with religious people, only ignore them. anyone who is going to base their entire life on hearsay is not going to listen to facts, logic, or reason.
3. as for why the US is so awful even though supposedly it has so many good people in it, is that it dosen't, it never did, it has a bunch of religious extremists descendants whose ancestors were driven out of europe and the rest because they were so extreme and unreasonable. so does it really surprised you to find them 200 years later to be essentially the same religious zealots they were before? yes, their hatred of all other religions like the moslem faith is hidden under a facade of humanitarianism, but thats just the glove over the fist. america helps those who submit, and even then, only in the hope they will one day adopt our insane death cult religion known as christianity.
4. the us is not a 'free' country. our constitution gives lip service to free speech, but our constitution, as many of you europeans do not understand, is worthless, it does nothing to actually protect its citizens. there is nothing stopping the police from arresting and interrogating me for posting this unpatriotic message. there is nothing keeping my co workers and associates from distrusting and suspecting me because i'm not a christian. i can only put up the best front i can and hope i'm not reported and arrested, in our free democratic society. remind you of any other countries? like iraq under saddam hussein?