Last thought? Huh?
Mike wrote:
The IRAA may ask that the ISPs or similer stop the stations outside the US from being heard!! unless they pay sound exchange could happen
What you're talking about is borderline impossible really. As soon as the ISPs blocked the sites there would be complaints from the customers as well as a huge up-in-arms from the ACLU.
Plus there's also proxy servers and sites. Hundreds of them. Thousands of them. Free for the use and all it takes is a simple googling to find them.There are programs you can run on your computer to hop to a different proxy server every few microseconds if you're that paranoid. And once in a proxy you can transfer to the site through it. The ISPs would have to block every free open proxy in the world to truely stop it in the US. And they would have to update the lists twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixy-five days a year. Because a new one would open up and it would start over again.
Then you've got to get to the cell phone companies that offer internet through cells. And satelites connections. And repeater sites that find ways around it and broadcast still.
It's a very unfeasible idea to have every ISP and web provider in the U.S. block all of that.
But it wouldn't surprise me to see the RIAA try. I can easily foresee the day when the idea of free internet radio is a dirty word and punished for its existance.
But someone had the right idea. If you can't play American bands without paying, then don't play em. There are thousands of independent unsigned artists out there that would kill for free world-wide publicity like internet radio to stream their music.Go find them and stop wasting money on artists that most of the time suck anyhow and can only release a single worthwhile track on a album of 13 and sell it for $20 a pop. Find the no-name unsigned unheard of bands that are really good and support them.
Truely, the RIAA only believes the power is in their hands. They can make it so you can't hear what you want, but they can't make you listen to what you don't want to. And in the end that will hurt them just as much as any piracy.