Oh dear ...
I think Wonderkid misses the mark a bit with his statement "Because there is nothing like the fear of (respected) authourity to deter bad behavior."
I would say that the first and most effective method for deterring bad behaviour is to instill a sense of what is right and wrong AND a respect for others and their property. Fear of retribution comes a distant second, although it IS an important factor.
I don't steal because I was brought up to respect other people and their property - quite frankly, the number of occasions when there is means, opportunity, and precious little chance of detection are many but we don't because it would offend our personal code of ethics. I think that applies to the majority of 'my generation'.
The problem is that unless you can instill a sense of right and wrong in the majority, AND a respect for others and their property, then the only thing you have left is more and more scrutiny to support the detect and punish mode of control. And of course, as we are already finding out - every more scrutiny fuels the breakdown of trust between 'them' and 'us' and makes the situation worse.
Just take speed limits for example. Until 10 years ago I think you'll find that most drivers respected speed limits as they mostly showed some correlation with conditions and could be seen to have been considered by people whose main consideration was road safety. Now there are few drivers with any respect since so many speed limits have clearly been imposed for purely political or financial reasons. Result ? The only way to force even token compliance with the disrespected limits is by ever more automated enforcement that further discredits the limits as in any way related to safety. I can only hope that some day we'll get a government that will reallise this and attempt to repair the damage - but I'm not holding my breath.
Until only a few years ago, I would have had no problem cooperating with Police and other officials. Now, thanks to some really, REALLY stupid things being handed down from Westminster I now spend time thinking up ways to work around stupid laws and do my best to obstruct stupid schemes. At a local level, I think I may even have found a way to bankrupt our local (unelected and stupid) National Park Authority, and then report the management committee members for malfeasance in public office. At a more national level, it will be interesting to see how long it takes 'them' to get any sensible biometrics from me to go in the ID database - I'll certainly be very uncooperative when that time comes !