back to article Man learns bombs not best way to raise tech stocks

Manners suggest when corresponding with a financial firm regarding sagging tech stock prices, it's best to avoid threatening a senior officer with his fiery end at the hands of the Prince of Darkness. More importantly, sending a disarmed pipe bomb to emphasize your point is — while often compelling — frowned upon in high …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What do they put in the Iowa water supply? Freakin nuts!

    This is not the first guy from Iowa with his own version of reality. What are they smoking down there? I hate to say it but many Iowan men live up to their state's history of mental illness.

  2. Milo Tsukroff

    It might be the black squirrels...

    ... but nuts, the black squirrels live at the _other_ end of Iowa.

  3. Andy Bright

    Don't see a problem here

    It all seems very reasonable.

    So ok, Steve Jobs and a few others may have alternative methods of making a few quid from the stock market, but surely they should admire the "out of the box" thinking behind this guy's financial strategy.

    If its ok to decide when you wanted your stocks to be bought a few years after you bought them, why can't a guy threaten investment firms with Hell, damnation and a broken pipe bomb when asking for a 3 day rally for a few stocks?

    Sounds like he's got the way tech firms operate down to a T.

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