Carving Up Constructs
>ICANN is an arm of the US government...
Are there any so naive as to think of ICANN as anything other than an arm of the US government? The post 2000, Internet is a new beast that governments and corporations have yet to figure out how to slaughter. IIRC Plato said a good theory carves at the joints. Those that are sharpening their long knives to carve up the Internet are holding back only because this strange new beast has yet to show the best way to carve it up. Americans, as Americans are wont to do, have branded the beast as their own. The game in play is the old world sort of gamesmanship to see who gets to keep the choicest pieces. It's really just a question of whether the beast will be savagely torn to pieces by territorial governments or butchered by lawyers. ICANN is just the gamekeeper rich, Uncle Sam has hired to chase off poachers.
What can be stated with certainty is that the fatted beast won't belong to any but the rich and powerful.