Less than £13 per person
It's really cheap: get this supposedly secure private information on more than 250 individuals, and pay fines totalling £3200. Well done the ICO for prosecuting, but there's not really much point when the penalties are outrageously low.
Can I deduce that the court thinks a £12 fine is a suitable penalty for fraudulently obtaining personal information about me from our government? If so I'd better make sure the government has as little personal information as possible about me - which is getting pretty difficult with all the new measures being implemented by New Labour.
SO, the courts no longer protect us or our freedoms (since a fine of £12 for each person whose information is stolen is no protection at all). Of course that's probably what Tony and his cronies want - if the courts were to protect our freedoms the government would have a lot more trouble with adverse decisions from judicial reviews.