UAC != Security
Gee, when was the last time i saw virus's and spyware hanging out in the various TEMP folders, and they are not protected at all? How about daily!
Working on windows systems every hour of the day, and day of the week tells me one thing. THANK GOD I JUMPED SHIP YEARS AGO. I jumped to linux cold turkey about 10 years ago and it has paid me back a million-fold. Sure it was hard, its much easier now.
Thank god not everyone has done it though. doubtful i could have all of the work i do if it wasn't for Microsoft's failed attempts at security and reliability.
Why don't they just speak the truth. "Windows - Now Almost Secure This Year." Do the Nasty, Everyone else is.
Last time i lost data...... running windows, 10 years ago.
Last time i got a virus .. Also running windows, 10 years ago.
Last time i missed windows? about 9.75 years ago.
Last time i was GLAD i quit using windows.....Every day for the last 9.75 years
This is not to say linux is perfect, its not, it needs lots of improvement, but its been getting it every day and every day it just gets better.
That is the major difference, if Linux did something like this anyone in the world could look through the code and if they had a better solution they could implement it, some might suck even worse, but everyone who wanted to would have a equal chance of replacing it with their code. Nobody but Microsoft can fix the mess that we call windows and even they have proven they are not capable. Linux, everyone has the opportunity to step to the plate.
Who here can seriously tell me windows has ever gotten better or even between releases got better. I mean better in the ways that matter too, not just more lipstick on the pig, kind of better.
Ill give you that 2000 was better than Windows ME, but dude, 98 to ME was pure and total carnage, like twin towers kind of bad.