So yeah.... I've been eyeing all the mac attack news reports for some time now... being a mac user myself.... and windows... and linux... (overkill geek anyone?)
EVERY SINGLE frakking apple hack report all had the same stuff:
1: You had to be a total idiot to get hit
2: Same as 1 with a reminder built into the OS (Are you sure?)
3: No documentation on the actual event and proceedrue
4: Proof of concept
and Im sorry....but if you crash a mac... your dumber than you look.
I've have never seen an Mac OS-X "hard crash" ever.... its been years!
I've seen application hang ups.... but never have I seen the OS-X kernel go into "panic".
You know that funny little 3 to 4 langauge message telling you to restart? that was the last time I've seen it crash.... that was like.... OS-X 1.x or something.
All those people who say "HAHAHAHA macs are easy to break in to" and the people who say "macs are invunerable" should go back to school and study operating system design and stucture not to mention linux OS systems before they open their slime ridden mouths with very little IQ to boot.
OS-X security breeches (if any) fall under the same categorey of Linux ones.... they are very difficult due to the nature of the system... and require stupid users to help ti along... non user interaction my ass... there are a number of things you can do to prevent that sort of thing from happening.
Not to mention the fact this particular breech was patched immedately.... thats more than I can say for windows.. who patches the patch that was patched.... only to patch it again.
I won't deny Apple being foolish about certain practices in coding... but at least they are a long ways off being meeting windows level of stupidity.
The other thing is i noticed it took 24 hours plus to do this.... funny... the average life span of a windows getting an infection is what... 5 minutes?
When is the IT industry going to wake up and stop looking like a bunch of stockholm syndrome cases?
Yes.... given enough motivation (10 smacking big ones) and enough caffieene... you'll find that hole your looking for... if you have the attention span for it.
But funny enough... people don't bother because it takes too much effort.... they find it more lucerative to go after windows... because its easier...
Dont' give me any of that statistical BS.... its just easier... and that is the bottom line.