RE: Any one who said the police are to blame:
Besides all the common sense arguments already put forth against this, does anyone who has ever needed police in the past really believe they are likely to arrive in time? Based on my experiences ( and they are widely varying), I cannot both be at ease AND know I place nearly all of my personal safety in the hands of others, let alone the cops (who have been killing a steadily increasing number of unarmed people where I live).
I can't say for sure, but I think American Media (in it's quest to 'generate' news) probably contacted the NRA for comment, and the NRA was dumb enough to give one.
RE:What the "but banning gauns dosn't" lobby misses...
"Is that there is every difference between a premediated crime andone of passion. Sure, a career criminal might get a gun in the UK. But if someone gets jilted, he won't have a gun on hand."
No, he'll just get a knife, or run me over with a truck, or get a can of gas and set me on fire, or any of the other thousand ways to kill someone. EVERYTHING becomes a dangerous weapon when in the hands of someone commiting a 'crime of passion'.
RE:Oooh boy
"I don't know about you, but when I think about going to the library, or the gym, or for lunch, I don't think "Must remember to pack a weapon in case some looney gets jilted"."
I don't think that either.
Nor do I think about the possibility of getting mangled in a car wreck; I still carry full coverage auto insurance, and I would bet you have something similar as well.
RE:what nonsense some people talk
"Try resarching per capita deaths from shootings, where the US has something like 80 times the number of deaths of the UK."
Do the same for Canada, where guns are not banned, and you will find similar results ( though there have been schools shootings in Canada). Again, this seems to indicate something deeper than the laws is wrong here. (See comment "Guns don't kill people ...
By Thomas Huxley")
Re: Crime of Passion
"Isn't that what the US Army is there for?"
Who will protect the American citizens from the US Army?
RE:RE Crime of Passion:
In the words of Jake Burns in the song, "Roots, Radics, Rockers and Reggae"
"Throw away the guns and the war is all gone."
You do realize that war was around for millenia before guns were, right? If you want to get rid of war, the biggest first step to take is to ban religion. Before guns were a part of war, untold millions died in the name of various gods...
RE: "it is only through guns that tyrants are kept in check."?!?!?!
"what PRECISELY keeping in check of the tyrant known as Bush have your guns achieved??"
What makes you think hes not already 'in check'? Do you honestly believe he is not capable of committing much more evil than he has already?
"Get real; criminals will ALWAYS get guns; it is EXACTLY this type of massacre that disarming normal people will avoid."
What does this statement mean? You talk of disarming normal people, right after stating criminals will always get guns.
RE:You leave us alone
Love your first paragraph, however, please don't group all Americans with the nut bag you quoted. These people are a dying group in America. We are moving away from xenophobism, towards the ultimate discrimination: Me above all.
RE:Guns don't deter guns!
"The thing that, surprisingly, hasn't been pointed out yet is that even the best marksman in the world cannot deflect a flying bullet!"
But we're talking about a chance to save a life here. The 1st shooter might miss, but not the marksman. Also, such an incredible marksman would also be likely to have incredible speed, maybe getting a shot off as soon as the other guy levels his weapon to aim.
"There will always be criminals and if you want to deter them from having or using guns you need to make it harder for them to get them." Or you could try to deter them from being criminals.
Re: My $0,02
Posted Tuesday 17th April 2007 15:50 GMT
RERe: "it is only through guns that tyrants are kept in check."?!?!?!
By adam
I support the 2nd amendment....but I don't agree with one single thing in your list. See how you are prejudicially assuming things about everyone who doesn't agree with you single viewpoint?
RE:An appropriate time to bear a firearm
I'm glad to hear that you were able to help yourself. Statistically speaking, you're lucky to have kept control of the gun, but then again, you were screwed without it to begin with...
This was all a terrible mistake, and a tragedy on many levels. The silver lining I find is the amount of arrogance, ingorance, and hate people still hold for each other has been laid bare in a national spotlight. Still, I fear this will not matter to most people in a week, and everyone will be blamed but the shooter, because Americans no longer understand the phrase "Personal Responsibility".