Nice to see
that a 6800GTS graphics card does so well in the benckmarks.
Nvidia stole a march on ATi when it launched the DirectX 10 GeForce 8800 GTS and GTX chips back in October 2006. Even though the G80/8800 was a powerhouse of a chip we wondered who exactly would spend the thick end of £400 on a single graphics card or £800 on a pair of the things in SLI. MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-HD-OC graphics …
I'll attempt to bring to your attention, in a cohesive manner, what I believe the two previous posters are attempting to say. It appears that you have made a mistake in your images, and called the NX8600 and 'NX6800'. If this is not a typo, I would enjoy if you would tell me where I can find this positively beastial 6800-based GPU.