Interesting if it's true
Never mind face recognition, how about other applications of this technology?
There ought to exist an automated method for taking a binary program and generating some Source Code which would compile on a machine with the same architecture to give that same binary. In other words, a decompiler. While the output might not match the original Source Code exactly (according to the Church-Turing hypothesis, it need not even be in the same programming language!), the resulting binary *will*, by definition, be identical. This output could even be compiled on a machine with a different architecture; and ought to run faster and more smoothly than the original through an emulation layer.
The mathematics underlying this problem are fundamentally the same as the mathematics underlying face recognition. Machine-language instructions are analogous to vertices, and high-level control structures such as loops and subroutines are like features. Now, which vertex belongs to which feature? And which machine-language instruction belongs to which high-level control structure?
It's no exaggeration to say that the existence of a working decompiler would be one of the greatest breakthroughs in computing to date.
If a program written in one language could be decompiled into another language, this would give software developers the ability to co-operate with one another without the need to have a programming language in common! A developer using C and a developer using BASIC could work together on the same project.
Furthermore, the era when a few cowardly software vendors could hide their Source Code behind the workings of a compiler would at last be over. (Variable and function names, if not preserved for debugging purposes during compilation, would have to be guessed from context ..... so there's still some rôle for human hackers yet). We users would finally have the ability to take our Freedoms One and Three by force, if necessary!