back to article CA mulls suing co-founder Wang over accounting fraud

CA may pursue its co-founder, Charles Wang, for damages resulting from a $2.2bn accounting scandal following the publication of internal report that alleges Wang "directed and participated" in a scheme to artificially inflate the software firm's stock price. The report, by a committee of outside directors at CA, advises that …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why would the state of CA sue its founder?

    This doesn't make sense. The founder would have to be at least 150 years old by now. And how could he (or she) be involved in Wall Street hijinks?

  2. amanfromMars

    Is Personally Wronged Deceived

    A little Bit of Sugar helps the Medicine go down?

  3. David Haig

    And your point caller?

    Why is everyone so shocked - In the 90's CA, Wang & Kumar told everyone what they were doing and no one winced whilst the profits kept growing. Now we are in the post Enron era and we all want to distance ourselves from a company that made no bones about making money, and at the same time financed the development and marketing of some of the most innovative software from small companies (the Jasmin Database, Supercalc & Supercalc 3d, ArcServe, Clpper & VO) - and then admittedly strangled them.

  4. Andrew


    CA = computer associates new name... can someone make this clear? Oh, they already did; in the article...


  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Wang lives!

    "The founder would have to be at least 150 years old by now."

    Actually, no. Charles Wang was born in 1944, and seems to be alive and well. He also happens to run a zero-overhead charity called the Smile Train, which is worthwhile to check out. So whatever he did in the past, he's clearly doing something good now.

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