Sue! Sue!
What's the bet that the crim gets to sue the manufacturer of the leg for "loss of income" and "critical failure of product" as he was the only one that didn't get away, while his fully-legged friends make quick their escape?
A would-be ATM blagger was cuffed after losing his artificial leg during a police pursuit - thereby depriving him of the full complement of limbs required to show officers a clean set of heels. According to AP, 48-year-old Gregory Daniels and an accomplice drove up to Pomona Ranch Market, California, last Tuesday at 3am, …
I have noticed that for the last week or so, your 'human interest' stories and a couple of your slightly more 'technical' articles of a broad interest have been showing up regularly and in a highly timely manner on CNN.
Copyright wise and such I can only assume that El Reg now has an added source of income from CNN.
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The Bader link reminds me of the joke about the pilot who crashed in Germany during WWII. He was badly injured to the point that every couple of days the German doctors had to remove another limb due to infection. Before each limb was removed the pilot would ask if the doctors could package it up and send it home to England. While the doctors thought the request odd, they complied. Finally, the doctors had removed all limbs but his right arm. They approached him with the bad news that this would also have to be removed, and he made his usual request. "Nein" the doctors replied. "The gestapo thinks you're trying to escape"