green was an accident
The following are based on things I have read here and there, but I cannot reference any specific sources, these being mostly (pop) sci magazines and the odd science/ physics handbook.
Firstly, there cannot be that much red light coming from sources other than the Sun, because then we would be seen everything red, even in the deepest of nights (a red viagra effect?).
Secondly, green accounts for about 50% of sunlight. A better choice (to chlorophyll) would be a substance absorbing green, utilizing at least 50% of sunlight. Evidence suggests that chlorophyll was an accident: it was the first thing that "nature came up with" and thus it became the preferred solution.
Thirdly, some plants (I think they are sea plants mostly), have evolved with such a substance (i.e. a green-absorbing one) and subsequently their colour is purplish. Perhaps being underwater, receiving less sunlight and with red being filtered out pushed their evolution to develop a more efficient photosynthesizer.
(Actually, the green of chlorophyll should be a good argument against the "Intelligent Design" non-theory: if for quite a few million years plans have been using a much less than optimum photosynthesizer, there cannot be much intelligence in their alleged design. Perhaps it should be called "Idiotic Design"-- it even preserves the initials...;-)