Google allowed to dominate like no Competition body would allow?
Ummmm, How do you justify that comment? I mean, its clearly abusrd.
First off, there are a variety of other search engines out there built on other technology. Plus, it only takes a couple of Caltech, or MIT guys to do what google did, build a better mousetrap (or seach engine), and watch everyone slowly but surely move over. Theres nothing special to the google story, it happened several times before they did it (yahoo, Altavista, anyone?).
In addition, Google allows its technolgy to be used by others. How many other seach "engines" out there use googles tech? Lots. Like the Major Telcos (Which are real monopolies) are forced into LLU, Google (Which isnt a real monopoly, face it) allows others to use its tech for their own uses, something it hasnt been "forced" to do at all.
I'm no Google Evangelist, I'm looking forward to the better seach engine the Next Berkley grad builds (Lets face it, Googles too full of crap these days anyway, its just like the pre-google altavista), but to call it a monopoly is rediculous.
Its clear you have a chip on your shoulder about a little bit of poor customer service and have used this as an excuse to launch into a torrent of abuse.
Grow up.