Maybe I'm just lucky - I went with Pipex as my first ADSL provider about 4-5 years ago...
I've never had any problems with them at all... The only time I've had to deal with customer support was when I re-installed and realised I'd managed to lose my login credentials... And they were spot on (ok - this was 2 years ago, but then I've not had any reason to contact support since)
I'm also wondering if all the amalgamation (there's possibly a sp there - but it's 2am, and I'm on holiday... hic!) of all these networks is a "good thing" - or are we just gonna see more collisions and downtime?
... If anyone from Pipex reads this, yes, I am available for expensive champagne style PR work.... ;-)
Personally, I'm waitin for my mate to go with Be and see what they're like... 24Mb/sec.... Mmmmmmmmmm....