OK,... OK, I think I've got it
So let me see if I've got all the parts. Godless North Koreans eat Giant Bunnies meant for breeding, all announced on Easter Sunday.
All right then. Giant Bunnies in an Asian land, so, the whole Godzilla thing comes into play. Then there's the sex angle, there has to be a sex angle... bunnies, breed like, well, they breed like rabbits and are an ancient fertility symbol, and, of course, as noted it's Easter. All right so then there's the eating of the giant bunnies meant to be breeders...? hmmm? Geese, no goose, goose that laid the golden egg. Yeah, the egg again and the Godless North Koreans ate the metaphoric goose that laid the golden easter egg.
Oh yeah it's all coming together now. So just feed it into the jokeOmatic and out comes...
... "not funny"... what? how can that not be funny? I must have missed something. Feed it in again, and, .... "not funny"... damn...I'll get my coat.