back to article (Agence) France(-Press) surrenders to Google

News agency Agence France-Presse entered a ménage à deux today with Google en lieu of a $17.5m lawsuit over its news stories appearing on Google News. Google will pay to use AFP content that drives online traffic to AFP affiliates. Financial details of the dénouement were not disclosed. The contretemps began in March, 2005 …


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  1. regadpellagru

    not a bad deal IMHO


    Probably not a bad deal for google, since AFP

    is more or less the only independant news channel

    remaining in France, nowadays...

    Most of the rest belongs to Lagardere, Dassault, Pinault

    and Arnault, who takes news off AFP, filters it from

    boss personnal interest, and broadcast to the masses.

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