SCO shows true colors with Groklaw
SCO shows their true colors in attempting to depose Pamela Jones of Groklaw; and their colors are pretty damn ugly.
Darl McBride, CEO of SCO group claimed almost a year ago that SCO had almost all details of who was behind Groklaw, and it was not who you would "think it was". Mr. McBride went on to boast that his unmasking of this Ms. Jones is impending very "soon".
After a year, SCO admits they can not even find Ms. Jones to serve her, let alone "unmask" her. This kind of statement may seem to be extreme hyporbole coming from a CEO - but it is just the latest in a never-seeming-to-end run of public statments made by Mr. McBride and SCO that is never backed up.
It seems all that SCO has to say relies on the listener presuming that SCO speaks only the truth. Take Mr. McBrides statements that there were "literally millions of lines of code" from SCO's UNIX software "dumped into Linux". After more than three years into the lawsuit that IBM did this dumping, the lawsuit now revolves around less than 150 lines of code. When even these relatively few lines of code are analyzed, particularly after SCO admitted that there was no trade secrets in UNIX as originally claimed, represent less than .15% of SCO's original claim. That makes a 99.85% error on SCO's part.
The real telling part is that even the few lines of code remaining, SCO has as much admitted that NONE of these lines of code come from their disputed copyrights of UNIX. SCO is laying claim to code, that SCO admits was developed solely by IBM, merely because IBM developers may have had exposure to the original UNIX code at some time.
The claims are more ridiculous than this broad description. What has this to do with Pamela Jones and Groklaw? Well, as shown by the brief description above, SCO is all about spreading Fear, Uncertainy and Doubt (aka, FUD) about Linux, and nothing about real substance. While SCO is watching its lawsuit (rightfully) fall around its ears, they are now trying to smear a member of the public, who has accessed public records and competently commented on them. SCO does not like the comments Pamela Jones draws. Therefore, they will attempt the same FUD about Ms. Jones as they attemtped to do with Linux.
Whether Ms. Jones' comments are right or wrong, she has every right to espouse them. That is basic American constitutional rights, 101. For SCO to attempt to shut her down by using lawyers to harass her, is about the most underhanded, anti-freedom ploy they can play. Shut up your critics with lawyers. Nice.
Judge for yourself. Whether or not you agree with Pamela, it is obvious she is just reporting her views based on public records. Look up Read her articles and peruse the sight. If there is anything worthy of the legal terrorism SCO is trying to bring on Ms. Jones, it escapes my limited understanding.