back to article Ukrainian woman smuggled dope in vibrator

A Ukranian woman failed in a bold attempt to smuggle marijuana from New Delhi to Kiev, despite hiding her stash in a vibrator's battery compartment on the grounds that "no one would ever think of touching it, let alone looking inside it". According to Ananova, 26-year-old Svetlana Ivanyshka was cuffed after being asked to empty …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Guess this brings a whole new meaning to "catching a buzz".

  2. Silas

    What if

    Instead of carrying it in her bag, she'd had it secreted in her person? That would have been a pretty thorough search to discover it, with the added advantage of her looking thoroughly relaxed while walking through the airport.

  3. Dennis

    Re: What if

    > Instead of carrying it in her bag, she'd had it secreted in her person?

    Now that would be a cunning stunt.

  4. Shaun


    Don't they usually make you test electronic equipment to prove that it works?

    That was certainly the case when I went through polish customs with a digital camera

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