Missed opportunity...
How could they miss releasing these stamps on 4th May (Star Wars day) ...
The US is to issue stamps marking three decades of Star Wars films. Darth Vader, Han Solo, and Yoda are among the set of 15 characters featuring in a set of Star Wars-themed stamps. All 15 stamps, each costing 41 cents, go on sale from 25 May, shortly after the US postage rate is increased to 41 cents. The US Postal Service …
No rebel pilot ever got the jump on Darth and actually managed to squeeze a shot off at him. Darth was just too good a pilot. Only Han Solo ever managed to do that - by sneaking up from behind, which is just as effective as using The Force.
Let's face it, the stamp is just historically inaccurate. Boycott.
Also, the image of Solo with Chewbacca is wrong; Solo is looking in the wrong direction. In reality, he was also looking forward, just like Chewbacca, not off to the side. It's a famous image of those two; I don't like the artistic reinterpretation.
The stamps from the recent films are out of place, don't really deserve a place alongside stamps from the original series. They should really have a set of stamps for fans of Eps. 4-6 and another set for the newer films. Then we could get a stamp for Jar Jar and Manakin Skywalker, and make them each worth 2 cents a piece.
They really should not stop with just this one sheet. How about a series for the vehicles, empire soldiers, alien races, locales, Leia hairstyles, etc? Just like they did for the old playing cards.
Other than that, I think the stamps are nicely done. The images remind me of the trading cards that came out circa 1978. Very iconic.
And leave it to the Post Office to generate inefficiency: most people are probably trying to load the very first image on the page, which just happens to be 25 MB. If you scroll down a bit, a decent 1.4 MB JPEG is available.
Being one of the majority non-Jedi of this country Im quite sure I can speak for millions and say *yawn*
So the American PO decided to raise some funds pumping out stamps 'honoring' a series of films in which only the first one was vaguely entertaining. Lets look forward to next years 'Pans Labyrinth' series, at least a little imagination will be on display :)