back to article Paul McCartney signs for Starbucks

The music label tentacle of coffee house monolith Starbucks has signed Paul McCartney as its first major artist, the BBC reports. Hear Music, which has to date punted "albums of licensed songs", last week announced that it would seek out original material from new and established artists, and appears to have pulled off a …


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  1. Giles Jones Gold badge

    I'm shocked

    Shocked that Paul would have anything to do with Starbucks and their fairly dubious record on fair trade and their support of Rodeos.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm not

    The man who can bring us 'The Frog Chorus' is clearly capable of anything.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Starbucks Music?

    It's a sad day when the music industry gets co-opted by giant, faceless corporations that are more interested in profits than music.

  4. Jim


    Given that the entire (almost) music industry has been "co-opted by giant, faceless corporations that are more interested in profits than music." what difference does another make?

  5. Phil Harmer

    Why not?

    With record companies seemingly only interested in short term strategies and maximum profits rather than quality of music, then good for Macca. I agree with some of the comments above. Much of the music business ceased to be about music a long time ago so if Starbucks are willing to give him artistic freedom plus good exposure to a caffeine buzzed audience then good for him.

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