Focus on the facts
"I notice your correspondent "Lieberman" characterising all who criticise Israel as "hateful"........nothing new there, then - same old propaganda, same old lies....we can all see where the hatred breeds, and this story demonstrates yet again who is responsible in that particular part of the world."
Start with a false premise, then attach it to your adversary etc. etc.
Let's get this clear, I do not characterise any criticism as hateful. What I characerise as hateful is ignorant quotes like " we have nothing in common with them, we don't have strong trade links with them, they're aggressive and militaristic and even prominent Jewish people are sick of their constant warmongering:".
Ideas from anonymous correspondents like "Millions who were herded into the Gaza Strip on account of their religion..." completely ignores the millions of Moslems and Christians who are full Israeli citizens, including the current president. How many Jews are allowed to live in the Palestinian territories, or any other Arab country unhindered? If you want to see people being ethnically cleansed, do a google and find out what happened to the Jews of Iraq, or the Asians of Uganda a few decades ago. These people have resettled and got on with their lives.
Ethnic groups:
Jewish 76.4% (of which Israel-born 67.1%, Europe/America-born 22.6%, Africa-born 5.9%, Asia-born 4.2%), non-Jewish 23.6% (mostly Arab) (2004)
But then I could quote facts (from authorised sources rather than polemical websites) and provide links all day which will be totally ignored because certain groups on the far left and far right aren't interested in the reality of the situation, only demonising a group of people for whatever reason gives them kicks.