Hairless Baloney
Dr Juan once again presents a superficial article that ignores what is staring him in the face (or should be when he looks in the mirror!)... that at least 50% of the human population have facial hair and SHAVE it off! Even women have to counter this hair by bleaching, plucking or even in extremes shaving!
To say that the human face is hairless is to show complete ignorance. The vast majority of the human body has hair expect for a few parts such as the soles of the feet and palms of the hand, the lips and cornea of the eyes. The rest of the body is covered in hair, some parts with long hair and other parts with fine hair. Nevertheless there is hair here, there and everywhere!
And Dr Juan, even people with hairy faces can make facial expressions! Maybe people have faces with short or fine hair simply because that is what we prefer and over the years long or course hair has been bred out, but not eliminated.