Update your Firmware
I have been using my P990 since August 15 and have been using it everyday (most days execpt when I use a TyTN) as my main Smartphone. I do not find the User Interface that confusing, I've not had any problems with wifi or 3G. Email and web browsing works well. It plays videos better than the current crop of Smartphones. The P990 has only 15.5MB of RAM from boot and this is the source of many issues encountered by owners/users. The problems that are mentioned with flip closed mode have a workaround - so why not use it?
In summary I agree the P990 has great potential, and I find the ergnomics of the hardware to be superb, but the software is not mature and needs a few more firmware updates. An update is due in the next few days - the Reviewer should review this device again once the firmware has been updated.