back to article What's the best way to improve the human body?

We humans would look considerably different - both inside and out - if evolution had designed the human body to work better and last longer. Dr S Jay Olshansky of the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois in Chicago and two other researchers recently speculated in Scientific American that a human "better …


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  1. Ian Strickley

    Human Service Pack 1

    What no suggestion of a WiFi connection built in and a 14-in-1 memory card reader... how disappointing.

    Personally I always fancied an eye on the end of my finger so I could see around corners, it would certainly reduce nose picking.

  2. Rob Elkin

    Artists impression

    An artists rendition of this would be interesting...

  3. Peter Clarke

    Improving humans

    I always thought that humans would be greatly improved by crossing them with Kangaroos. Our marsupial friends are already bipedal and complete with little hands, so the transition wouldn't be too alien and we'd still be able to carry out most of the manual tasks we currently engage in.

    Their form would provide us with a built-in pocket and a handy tail to take the strain off our feet when they're no seats left in the pub. The increased speed and endurance that would come with Kangaroo style hopping is just what we need to put a halt to our ever-increasing reliance on environmentally unsound vehicular transport.

    It would also do wonders for the sport of boxing.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A real clone based humanoid

    IF you look at the longest liveing live on this planet thier cells tend to be less sexual and more clone base in thier celluler makup. Would not the ultimate upgrade be to be more like a humanoid one of these.

  5. Martin Hughes


    After processing the variables through an intense reconstruction process, I have successfully narrowed what the improved human appearance may look like. A magnificent specimen.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Surely that's a reasonably accurate description of an EMU ?

    Personnally I would like detachable arms so I can get comfortable in bed...

  7. Steven Guenther

    Better ideas

    Yes the longest lived things reproduce by cells.

    But working like a Redwood or a Coral Reef is silly.

    The next best is a land tortise, skip the extra ribs and

    jump to a full shell.

    Separate the air and food intake pipes completely.

    Move the ligament attachements out.

    Some baseball pitchers get the "Tommy Johns" surgery.

    A third or fourth leg to add stability.

    However it was our long range efficiency that helped

    us spread across the globe.

    Many of his suggestions look like Cro-magnon.

    Why did we beat them out.

  8. Marlin Johnson


    Thicker bones, forward leaning posture, thicker neck...

    Anyone else seeing a neanderthal?

  9. Steven Walker

    Reverse evolution

    Trying to picture the result I came to the conclusion that the evolutionists have it all wrong: the apes are descended from humans


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