back to article Aliens crash landed on Earth – and Uncle Sam is covering it up, this guy tells Congress

The US government has recovered alien spacecraft and bodies from crash landings on Earth, and is keeping the whole thing covered up, Congress was told on Wednesday. Ryan Graves, a former F-18 pilot who served in the US Navy for over a decade, retired US Navy commander David Fravor, and David Grusch, an intelligence officer who …


    1. Azamino

      Re: Thermodynamics would like a word

      It would have had to be one hell of an hallucination considering that the object was caught on his aircraft's cameras. An optical illusion sounds more likely but would that not have been figured out by now?

      1. doublelayer Silver badge

        Re: Thermodynamics would like a word

        so the military has photos of this object and has certainly analyzed them, because radar-jamming flying objects that obviously exist are somewhat concerning in war zones and just in general. When it was a balloon, they took notice of it and people were pretty worried about what it was doing, resulting in a missile strike. No, according to this guy, nobody did any investigation and nobody got the camera feeds. That could mean that the military simply does not care about UFOs of any kind, which is already disproved but maybe they just don't care about them in the place where they're fighting wars next to multiple enemy countries who might have them as weapons or surveillance systems.

        What evidence do you have to suggest they were caught on camera? So far, I'm hearing that something happened to the radar, which could be mechanical failure, software glitch, or nothing, and conveniently means there's no radar evidence, and something happening to infrared, which is compatible with there being nothing there and means there's no IR evidence. Why does there have to be visual evidence, and how do you know it ever existed?

    2. Toni the terrible

      Re: Thermodynamics would like a word

      So you have cracked it, they are witches. Possibly practising for the eco-apocalypse

  1. Mitoo Bobsworth

    I guess we'll read about it

    These kind of pronouncements usually precede a book release (seems to be the American way), so maybe we can expect some form of hardcover tat from Ryan Graves soon.

  2. xyz Silver badge

    Anyway... Nick Pope (not the footballer)

    Bet the people at the MoD who lobbed an unwanted N. Pope Esq. into the basement with a pile of UFO reports back in the day, are really, really pissed that he's now coining it and on the telly a lot. 1.2 million quid in earnings and his MoD pension!


    Ah yes

    Ah yes, you humans are so adorable when you speculate.

    You find a few off planet things and build an entire cargo cult around them.

    You *think* you know what 1/20 of the universe is, and that there only is 19/20 left to figure out...


  4. Tubz Silver badge

    Alien Lizard overlords and their fluffy tailed cat girl sex slaves are already here and in charge, I asked AI Biden and he confirmed it.

    1. parlei

      Klaatu barada nikto!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Tell me more about the fluffy tailed cat girl sex slaves… :-)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        You scratch their back and they'll

  5. Pete Sdev

    Any life-form with the technology to undertake interstellar travel would be able to trivially observe our planet completely undetected.

    Intelligent life in the universe is quite possible I believe (though there is the Fermi paradox). It's not however going to be wasting it's time giving Farmers in Idaho anal probes.

    This guy Grusch is a krank.

    Song for the article: I'm Praying to the Aliens, by Tubeway Army

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You have to be very naïve to think there is NOTHING out there in the universe, that's almost a mathematic impossibility....however you do have to question why these sighting occur almost exclusively in the USA......

    1. Toni the terrible

      Because all Aliens are Americans, well USAians...

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        I thought they built a wall to keep out illegal aliens? What's that you say? Alien spaceships can fly higher than the wall? Well, build a bigger wall. And make them pay for it!!

    2. mcswell

      I thought you knew: it all started just before the New York World's Fair.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Am I 71 years old. Back in the 50s,60s. and 70s I read everything I could get my hands on regarding UFOs (at the time), UAPs now. I even subscribed to a couple newsletters from UFO organizations.

    My observation is nothing has really changed in all these years. Same kinds of stories. Same lack of any hard evidence. Same mystery metal of unknown origin that never proved to be anything unusual, if you ever saw an analysis or not, etc, ect.

    There are lots of ways UAPs become that. Weather phenomena, aircraft seen in unusual circumstances, tricky reflections of windows, radar artifacts from unusual reflections and software faults and glitches. I have seen exactly 2 things in over 50 years that defied immediate identification. I stuck with observing both of them and was able to make IDs. In Both cases something observed under unusual conditions

    On the other hand, I and some friends caused one UFO sighting. In high school I bought a weather balloon from Edmund Scientific. We than procured a tank of helium from the local blacksmith's shop. One night after my basketball game, the co-conspirators place a flashlight inside the balloon and inflated it. We flew it over a state highway between two small towns.... and then... nothing. No reports in the newspaper, radio, tv. We were crushed

    Fastforward 20 years to a class reunion. That night two married classmates came clean about seeing a UFO as they drove north on the state highway. They thought everyone would think they were crazy and never said anything to anyone in all that time. The co-conspirators all fell out on the floor laughing. It only took 20 years for a practical joke to pay off.

  8. HammerOn1024


    Flap.. Oynk... Flap... Oynk Flap...

  9. Tron Silver badge

    There will be many more 'sightings' as psychedelics are legalised around the world.

    quote: UAPs presented a national security threat.

    There are people in America who think that drag acts and Harry Potter novels present a 'national security threat'.

    If the US had reverse engineered UFO tech, Putin would be in prison on the Moon.

    People walk around with highly advanced cameras on their phones, but all UFO footage appears to have been recorded on VHS several decades ago and stored in a shed.

    quote: possible alien intelligence on Earth.

    It will be lonely, given the limited amount of human intelligence.

    quote: potential dangers.

    I thought plastic, climate change, AI, and social media were going to end human civilisation. The aliens will need to pick a number and wait their turn.

  10. pimppetgaeghsr

    Must need a distraction for something political this week, wonder what it is.

  11. Scene it all

    This issue of XKCD points out that with the near universal adoption of smartphones, and everyone carrying a camera around with them at all times for over a decade now, "We've conclusively settled the questions of flying saucers, lake monsters, ghosts, and bigfoot. "

    1. MachDiamond Silver badge

      "This issue of XKCD points out that with the near universal adoption of smartphones"

      Randall for the win, again.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not impossible

    But why do they only seem to visit country hicks the US?

    1. First Light

      Re: Not impossible

      Apparently Brazil and Chile are also popular.

      The "Ancient Aliens" people believe that UFOs stop over at Chile for all their rare earths. I know that because I managed to sit through an episode : )

      Meanwhile, here's a scientific response.

  13. PK

    If aliens have visited ...

    ... then I expect we've been nothing more than a lower school science project ... which is now sitting on a shelf somewhere, next to the Mars jar which has been allowed to dry out.

  14. D@v3

    reverse engineered tech

    For those saying "If the US had reverse engineered UFO tech....." who's to say they haven't and that the speed with which we have gone from having "desktop" computers the size of small filing cabinets to having computers in our pockets 'more powerful than the computers that put man on the moon' isn't the result?

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: reverse engineered tech

      Nah. Us humans came up with all that.

      The incremental steps learning what we now call solid-state physics, starting in the early 1800s, are easy for anyone to research for themselves. There are absolutely zero huge jumps in knowledge, it's all micro-steps at a time. Yes, things have become smaller/faster quite quickly, but that's just scaling ... a transistor is still a transistor, regardless of size.


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