back to article Aliens crash landed on Earth – and Uncle Sam is covering it up, this guy tells Congress

The US government has recovered alien spacecraft and bodies from crash landings on Earth, and is keeping the whole thing covered up, Congress was told on Wednesday. Ryan Graves, a former F-18 pilot who served in the US Navy for over a decade, retired US Navy commander David Fravor, and David Grusch, an intelligence officer who …


    1. KarMann

      Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

      I never cared for that phrasing. A more accurate claim would be that, 'absence of evidence is not proof of absence.' But it can sure as hell be used as evidence of absence; it's just not entirely conclusive by itself.

      1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

        Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

        "Absence of proof is not proof of absence."

        Works better, but still lacks the rhetorical polish that you get with words ending in -ence. Perhaps other languages can express it more pithily.

        1. Nick Ryan

          Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

          I misread that as something about proof of absinthe. Which from vague (head hurty) memories very much does exist.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

            Absinthe makes the heartburn stronger?

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Have always felt this was being used to cover up US black ops/skunkworks shenanigan's

    I remember reading that back in the 1960's at a public briefing on UFO's a US government official claimed they didn't exist, immediately followed by a UFO "expert" who claimed they did (later to be revealed as someone from a US intelligence agency specialising in psychological warfare).

    The SR71 Blackbird first flew in 1964, the first pilot to fly it was said to have walked into the hanger, looked at it, and then walked out and was said to be just shaking his head in wonder for a while just trying to believe what he had just seen.

    The F117 Nighthawk first flew in 1981, both it and the SR71 have been cited as being responsible for some UFO sightings particularly those around Nevada.

    Just try to imagine the technology the US Airforce may be playing with now, almost certainly drones at this point, which don't have so much problem with G forces that would kill a human pilot.

    Why do these UFO's like to play around US military installations or aircraft?, (probably assessing personnel / pilots reactions).

    How is it that spy satellite technology that allegedly can read car licence plates and recognise the faces of someone looking up hasn't translated to US Navy aircraft cameras that seem to generate footage of UFO's that's worse than that from WW2 fighter gun camera footage?

    Sorry I just don't buy it, I think it's a good way to keep secrets secret, and maybe make potentially hostile foreign powers hesitate from shooting the latest toys down "Don't shoot Dimitry, do you want to start an interstellar war?!!"

    Mitchell and Webb said it best:

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Psyops

      ...also can you imagine if the US Airforce confessed that these were actually their aircraft/drones?, can see the government hearings now "So exactly how many billions were spent developing this Tic Tac Drone?", "How exactly does it work?".

      Much better to go before Congress with a straight face and say "err yeah it's aliens"

    2. David Nash

      Re: Psyops

      How is it that spy satellite technology that allegedly can read car licence plates and recognise the faces of someone looking up hasn't translated to US Navy aircraft cameras that seem to generate footage of UFO's that's worse than that from WW2 fighter gun camera footage?

      Same as the pictures of Bigfoot. All the decent pictures show what the picture is really of. It's only the fuzzy unclear ones that remain so those are the ones the nuts jump on as so-called evidence.

      A fuzzy picture of a bear is still a bear, not Bigfoot, even if it's hard to tell. Same with poor pictures of weather baloons etc

  2. decentralised

    Yes please. Now would the visitors kindly remove the misogynists, racists, religious bigots, authoritarians, anti-science, and AGW deniers who are killing our home and our people.

    1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

      V or To Serve Man

      You say Visitors, you mean the ones that are lizard people, in plastic skin suits, with a habit of swallowing small live mammals.

      They also had a habit of deep packing larger mammals for shipping home, I guess the misogynists, racists, religious bigots, authoritarians, anti-science, and AGW deniers are just as tasty as the rest of us when on a bar-be-q.

    2. Toni the terrible

      if they did that there would be damn few people left

  3. Greybearded old scrote

    The clue is in the 'U' part

    It's an enormous leap from, "I don't know what this is," to, "therefore it's an alien spacecraft." Give me evidence to support that conclusion or STFU, at least where I can hear you.

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: The clue is in the 'U' part

      I think that's part of the reason "they" decided to use UAP instead of UFO. What people are reporting may be neither Flying or Objects even if as yet Unidentified.

  4. WanderingHaggis

    Looks like the reverse engineering hasn't gone too well

    If the US has reversed engineered alien tech what astounding leaps should have been made out of nowhere. Unfortunately, there is a lot of expense research still required for big breakthroughs.

    1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

      Re: Looks like the reverse engineering hasn't gone too well

      A "breakthrough" from their multiple dimensions into our physical dimension might make it easy for aliens to toddle around us, but it might be impossible for us to see everything.

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Looks like the reverse engineering hasn't gone too well

      Exactly. If the US wanted an expensive boondoggle multi-State pork barrelling employment project, why spend $billions on a throwaway rocket you can only launch once ever year or two if you have alien spacecraft to back-engineer? I'm sure they could have gone with something just as impressive and created more jobs, like, I dunno, trains capable of an astounding 100mph across the whole country, nationwide broadband for all that's faster than 25Mb/s

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    recovered alien "biologics"

    You mean, like, er, stains...? After the "probe"?

  6. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

    What I want to know is why Trump didn't release this information...? He leaked pretty much everything else and retained some of the most classified documents the US government has. So if Trump didn't leak it, it can only mean he, too, is part of the conspiracy.

    Or it could be it's just a load of bollocks. But it's definitely one of those two.

    1. Antron Argaiv Silver badge

      If YOU were in the Top Secret Alien Technology Exploitation business, would YOU tell Trump about it? Surely there must still be a few people with a modicum of common sense in the government?

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Loosely Covering All Bases .....

        If YOU were in the Top Secret Alien Technology Exploitation business, would YOU tell Trump about it? Surely there must still be a few people with a modicum of common sense in the government? .... Antron Argaiv

        Possibly yes and probably no, Antron Argaiv, is a novel answer to those estranging questions.

      2. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

        That would mean there are rogue cells within government that answer to no-one; i.e. the conspiracy theorists are right.

        1. Toni the terrible

          In that they were always right, there are such groups. However, that is not so certain when you consider Aliens

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      "So if Trump didn't leak it, it can only mean he, too, is part of the conspiracy.

      Or it could be it's just a load of bollocks. But it's definitely one of those two."

      Bollocks do usually come in pairs, so both could be true :-)

  7. karlkarl Silver badge

    Typical stakeholders meeting demo.

    You build a ship capable of incredible travel across the universe, overcoming all those obstacles and then... happen to crash into a fairly slow moving planet like a real dickhead.

    1. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge

      That was exactly my thought.

      Unless, of course, they are programmed to crash.

      Perhaps Douglas Adams was right and we are, indeed, the dumping ground for a "useless third" of the population of random planets.

      Welcome to Fintlewoodlewix. Care for a light trim, sir?

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        "Welcome to Fintlewoodlewix. Care for a light trim, sir?"

        <Sigh>How much is it this week? One deciduous forest or two?

    2. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

      Must have been flying one of those custom Lazlar LyriKon Kustom jobs, Multi-cluster quark drive, perspulex running-boards, infra-pink lizard emblem on the neutrino cowling.

      Great looking ship but looks like a fish, moves like a fish, steers like a cow.

    3. Toni the terrible

      So? Consider what people do here, being a dhead is almost inevitable

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        What's a dhead? Is that like a dickhead or more like a fucking dickhead? The puritanical censors haven't reached El Reg yet.

        1. that one in the corner Silver badge

          > What's a dhead?

          Dead Head? The aliens are now really upset that they missed all the greatest Grateful Dead gigs.

  8. This is not a drill

    To quote Monty Python

    "And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space

    'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth"

    Mine's the towel and the Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses.

  9. heyrick Silver badge

    You can tell the Americans have arrived...

    ...178 people voted yes, they believe him.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. What this guy is presenting is akin to "a friend of a friend" and "what a mate told me down the boozer the other night".

  10. TempusFugit

    Female alien pilots?

    A race capable of navigating interstellar travel should be capable of avoiding hitting a _big_ rock. They would have to be already damaged otherwise, maybe some space fender bender (with space junk), or carelessness (asleep at the stick)? Again a race that advanced should have ship safety redundancies, probably contact protocols, etc. to avoid exposure to inferior nutters who throw out reason and logic on a whim.

    1. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

      Re: Female alien pilots?

      I am sure aliens would have their own version of Elon Musk, who might have convinced their intrepid interstellar travellers that FSD worked better than it does.

    2. Toni the terrible

      Re: Female alien pilots?

      and accidents happen, particularly after a long trip

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Secret Space Program Conspiracy Theory

    Oh boy, now those wackos have been given a platform to go mainstream. Well done Congess!

  12. Real Ale is Best

    I think Grusch is confusing "professional and personal retaliation" with ridicule.

  13. Azamino

    Nothing to see here

    Nothing worth seeing on this rock since Waldo "D.R." Dobbs and Ernest Errol Quinch re-arranged the continents.

  14. TheMaskedMan Silver badge

    I haven't had chance to watch the thing yet, but didn't grusch say that other gubmints also had downed UFOs in his original statement? So it's not just the left pondians who are gifted with these things, if grusch is to be believed.

    They seem to be avoiding words like alien and extraterrestrial. If they have non-human "biologics" that aren't alien, what does that leave? Trained monkeys? Some kind of wetware?

    Back in the (apparently) real world, I'm still sceptical. I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's impossible for them to have crashed UFO's + pilots, but it seems bloody unlikely to me. Show me some actual evidence, and I'll be happy to be wrong. But for now, I am not convinced.

  15. nautica Silver badge

    Let me see if I've got this straight--

    our extraterrestrial visitors are so much more intelligent than we are that they have mastered intergalactic travel, and yet they're too dumb to avoid a crash-landing? Given the current political climate in the USA, it sounds as though they'd fit right in with all the anti-vaxxers and climate-change deniers...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      ... and flat earthers.

      1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

        Perhaps The Pilot

        was the equivalent of Stockton Rush, skimping a bit on the materials used on his tourist pleasure cruiser to see the Earth primitives in their natural habitat.

    2. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

      they have mastered intergalactic travel, and yet they're too dumb to avoid a crash-landing

      Bloody SatNav, I knew we should have turned left at Albuquerque.

      1. mcswell

        Proceed to the route.

  16. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

    All you have to remember

    is that in 1993(i think it was.. or '92) there was a huge surge in reported UFO sightings

    By a strange coincidence, it was the same year that the 'X-files' was first broadcast.

    Anyway.. must go... meeting a friend down the pub who says aliens are real.. at least thats what he heard from his brother's best friend's cousin's brother-in-law whos son is in the SAS

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: All you have to remember

      Anyway.. must go... meeting a friend down the pub who says aliens are real.. at least thats what he heard from his brother's best friend's cousin's brother-in-law whos son is in the SAS .... Boris the Cockroach

      :-) ’Twas/'Tis ever the case, Boris the Cockroach, for whoever/whatever dares win wins never to fail whenever guaranteed secured provision of failsafe abilities for activities and self-actualisation .... Maslowian Greater IntelAIgent Game Play?

      Quite whether though UKGBNI MoD Chiefs of Staff would be able to admit and recognise and command and control such as may be a TS/SCI SAS confidence, now that it has been clearly enough articulated, is an enigmatic quandary which swallows and threatens to render them as cuckolds to past corrupt and inept leaderships rather than rebirth them as armed and arming agents of Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Change and Great Virtually Augmented Resets?

      The very near future of upcoming tomorrows will tell the full unadulterated truth of that surely to be highly documented trail and enlightening trial.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: All you have to remember

      "By a strange coincidence, it was the same year that the 'X-files' was first broadcast."

      Exactly this. People unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Now with added social media, to more easily spread bullshit and radicalize folk.

    3. Nick Ryan

      Re: All you have to remember

      There's also a document instance where folk of a backwater US area reported definitely seeing aliens and lights in the sky and likely an increase in "probing". At exactly the same time that a new instate route was opened and cars drove along it at night with their headlights coming over a hill...

  17. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

    Thermodynamics would like a word

    David Fravor recounted a similar story. In his case, however, he was training for combat in Iraq and flying over the sea in 2004 when he and his colleagues spotted "a small white Tic Tac-shaped object" with no visible rotors or wings.

    The object jammed the radar of the aircraft and did not emit any infrared radiation like normal propulsion systems.

    So either the "Tic Tac" was at thermal equilibrium with the environment – like, oh, a lighter-than-air balloon – or it was running on stored mechanical energy, since it clearly didn't have any sort of heat engine. Or, far more likely, it was a hallucination or optical illusion. Or just made up. Hey, those explanations also cover the lack of a radar signature. How about that?

    An "advanced technology" that doesn't obey thermodynamics is tantamount to magic. These aren't aliens, they're witches, and they've figured out that they can enclose their brooms for greater comfort.

    Honestly, the amount of arrant nonsense and paucity of actual evidence in these accounts beggars belief.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Thermodynamics would like a word

      Too late with your comment.

      There are drones out there that do not emit heat from their electronics - by placing into a temporary store - can't say more.

      Heat on the surface of the drone from air friction is another story and dealt with in another way - think Space Shuttle.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Thermodynamics would like a word

        > think Space Shuttle

        You do know that the outside of the Shuttle got, like, really really hot? Clearly visible in thermal imaging (thanks, "Tomorrow's World").

        The Shuttle tiles were not about keeping the outside cold but about stopping the heat going into the body of the craft.

        On your fanciful drone any heat (well, mild warmth) from the air would just stay on the outside and without being able to heat the mass of the drone would be hotter than otherwise?

        I've just replied seriously to a nutter, haven't I? Sigh.


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