back to article We're in a timeline where Dettol maker has to beg folks not to inject cleaning fluid into their veins. Thanks, Trump

Reckitt Benckiser Plc, the British maker of disinfectants Lysol and Dettol, had to hastily issue a statement this morning telling people not to ingest or inject their cleaning products in the hopes of fending off coronavirus. This came just hours after the world watched slack-jawed as the President of the United States …


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  1. DLSmith

    We apologise profusely.

    Please forgive those misguided dolts who elected this moron as president. Even though he lost the popular vote, our antiquated Electoral College still gave him the victory.

    Hopefully this nightmare will end next January, and it will only take a few decades to repair the damage his administration has done to our country and relationships with out allies.

    Elect a clown, expect a circus.

    1. sanmigueelbeer

      Re: We apologise profusely.

      Please forgive those misguided dolts who elected this moron as president

      And please forgive the fut nucks who DID NOT VOTE.

      Hopefully this nightmare will end next January

      No. It won't. (Because Putin says so.)

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: We apologise profusely.

        "And please forgive the fut nucks who DID NOT VOTE."

        That I cannot do. And it's pronounced fuck nuts. We're mostly adults here (I know, I know ... ), tell it like it is.

        1. Toni the terrible Bronze badge

          Re: We apologise profusely.

          I did vote. Not that it made any difference what so ever, and never has.

  2. Neoc

    "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what"


  3. Glenturret Single Malt

    Bleach is strongly alkaline, not acidic. Just as nasty when in contact with the human body.

  4. jason 7

    Anyone seen Biden recently...

    ...well not much and now his wife does the talking for him. She is more desperate to be First Lady than Joe wants to be President.

    Well I don't think he remembers that much now.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Anyone seen Biden recently...

      Bad troll. No cookie.

      1. jason 7

        Re: Anyone seen Biden recently...

        Ahh a dementia denier.

        Joe Biden...sponsored by Tena Men's Pants.

        Shame the DNC rigged so Bernie got pushed aside. But then again Bernie never wanted to win.

        Very sad.

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: Anyone seen Biden recently...

          Very poorly implemented troll. Not even worth pointing at and laughing.

          Remember back when Usenet was new and trolls actually had original thoughts of their own? I miss those days ...

          1. jason 7

            Re: Anyone seen Biden recently...

            Well enjoy Joe's dribbling come November. That's if he hasn't quit with 'health issues' in the next couple of months due to the sexual harassment claims.

            1. jake Silver badge

              Re: Anyone seen Biden recently...

              Why would he quit for mere unsubstantiated claims? Trump GLOATED about his ability to grope about at will, and still the drooling idiots voted for him.

              1. jason 7

                Re: Anyone seen Biden recently...

                It's not really Biden's sexual misconduct that's the issue it's the dementia. How can a man run for President when he can't even utter a complete sentence without getting lost. Just watch any of the recent interviews from the past 6 months. It's scary to watch. It also explains Biden's short, clipped responses at the primaries. He was instructed to keep it short so he didn't meander and get lost. Well that and the fact he has NO policies other than 'Not Trump'.

                I'm not fan of the idiot Trump but it appears certain that the DNC want to lose this time round. After all they make a lot of money with Trump in charge. All those great tax cuts for the rich do not discriminate between Dem or Rep. Trump is a low IQ muppet with reading difficulties but he will tear Biden apart in any debate.

                Democrat voters need to wake up that they are taken for granted and basically spat on by the DNC.

                You deserve better then the scraps the DNC offers you. So stop throwing away your vote. You don't have to vote Team Blue at all costs just because they tell you to. Let them know you are prepared to walk away. will never change.


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