back to article Aliens crash landed on Earth – and Uncle Sam is covering it up, this guy tells Congress

The US government has recovered alien spacecraft and bodies from crash landings on Earth, and is keeping the whole thing covered up, Congress was told on Wednesday. Ryan Graves, a former F-18 pilot who served in the US Navy for over a decade, retired US Navy commander David Fravor, and David Grusch, an intelligence officer who …


          1. This post has been deleted by its author

          2. John H Woods

            Re: warning

            Exactly: nearly all modern religion and most conspiracy fantasies are built on vast pyramids of special pleading.

        1. Toni the terrible

          Re: warning

          ever seen God directly? (said to be fatal to us) so how do you know what his image is?

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: warning

            "ever seen God directly? (said to be fatal to us) so how do you know what his image is?"

            God and Abraham had a meal together in Genesis 18; Jacob (no relation) looked upon the face of God in Genesis 32:30; Moses saw the back of God in Exodus 33:23, and all survived to tell the tail.

            And yet, years later, John 1:18 claims nobody has seen God. Apparently John never read the relevant bits of scripture. But that's OK, neither do modern xtians. Making it up as you go along is much, much more lucrative.

            1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

              Re: warning

              "And yet, years later, John 1:18 claims nobody has seen God. Apparently John never read the relevant bits of scripture. But that's OK, neither do modern xtians. Making it up as you go along is much, much more lucrative."

              Ah, but you missed where when John was writing, there were many, many "books" about the Christian religion, primarily based on Jewish writings in the Old Testament and strongly influenced by Jewish religion in the New Testament, neither of which existed as "collections" back then until some Roman Emperor decided he'd had enough of all this conflicting information and defined his own Omnibus Edition and declared it The One Truth. I'm not sure he ever actually read those books or properly curated the reading order due to the many discrepancies still causing confusion to this day, despite further translations, refinements and editing, all inspired of course, by God Himself according to those doing the work. There's not even consensus that the Emperor was even a Christian doing Gods Work or just an opportunistic ruler seeing a good way to control his subjects by appearing to take on the peoples latest "fad religion" :-)

            2. that one in the corner Silver badge

              Re: warning

              Didn't Job also talk[1] to God? Something about - whales? Don't talk back unless you can make a whale? It was all very confusing.

              [1] Although not certain Job actually *saw* or if he just talked[2]

              [2] talking is bad enough, hence Metatron (the sarky one in Dogma was the best)

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: warning

            how do you know what his image is?

            If I'm truly made in His image, I just look in a mirror...

        2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: warning

          Did God create aliens in his own image?

          Not all religions claim that, but of course the two biggest (Abrahamic) ones do, so yeah, they'd be in a world of pain trying to come to terms with that.

          Full disclosure. Also an atheist here :-)

    1. Paul Herber Silver badge

      Re: warning

      Is the word "bollocks" understood in left-pondia?

      About time bollocks became understood worldwide! Bollocks should be ubiquitous.

      1. NLCSGRV

        Re: warning

        > Bollocks should be ubiquitous.

        Unfortunately, it pretty much is.

    2. WolfFan

      Re: warning

      Crom doesn’t care.

      But then Crom never cares.

  1. xyz Silver badge

    I, for one....

    Don't care. It would be nice but you'd have more chance finding a Ken doll with a dick than anyone from any gov holding their hand up to any of this. No I haven't seen the Barbie film.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I, for one....

      Why isnt't there a pregnant Barbie?

      Because Ken came in a different box!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    I really wish the media wouldn't hype this stuff up. There is an entire class of people for whom stories like this degrade their sense of reality and their trust in, well, anything, and as we've seen in recent years it's unfortunately not a small number and they have outsized influence. If you want to have fun with it that's fine, but this really shouldn't be treated as a real news story.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Degraded Reality

        Not really. We've seen with America's election conspiracies that people can get sucked into these things just through exposure.

        Also, why are people here weirdly puritanical about how icons can be used?

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Degraded Reality

          "Also, why are people here weirdly puritanical about how icons can be used?"

          Are they? They are commonly repurposed meanings based purely in the graphic, despite what the mouse-over text may say. On the other, sometimes they just mean what they show/say :-) ----------------->

  3. StrangerHereMyself Silver badge


    The U.S. Government being able to keep such a historical event a secret defies belief. Every secret has leaked out in one form or another, mostly through rumors or journalistic investigation.

    Also: why would aliens travel light-years to our planet just to play Tag with our Air Force?

    I still believe there's life out there, but it may be too distant for us to communicate with or even detect.

    1. heyrick Silver badge

      Re: Aliens

      I fully believe life is out there.

      Sentient life? That's a different question. After all, look how long it took this planet to come up with President Trump.

      Sentient life that has evolved technology to leave their planet? That would even want to? What's to say they aren't aquatic and literally cannot?

      Life in space? Yes. Quite a lot I'd imagine.

      Visitations by aliens? Uh, nope.

      1. StrangerHereMyself Silver badge

        Re: Aliens

        Sentient doesn't mean they have to have nuclear bombs or radio transmitters.

        I'm convinced octopuses and primates are sentient, as are many species on our planet. I believe that sentience is a linear scale and that we kid ourselves to think we're the only ones contemplating our own existence.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Aliens

        Sentient life? That's a different question. After all, look how long it took this planet to come up with President Trump.

        I fearyou may be confusing "sentient" with "sapient". Sentient life is not so unlikely, sapient is another matter.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Aliens

          If Trump isn't sapient, then part of "homo sapien" doesn't apply him then?

          (Shit, I can't really say that without offending some people, but I just KNOW it would REALLY offend Trump, so I'm still going with it. Downvote away!!!!)

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. wolfetone Silver badge

    You know, people said MK Ultra, the Tuskegee Experiment etc was a load of bollocks too. Look what happened there.

    You might not want to believe it and that's fair enough. But don't be a total fucking idiot and say that none of this has or can happen. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    Let's just see what comes out and keep an open mind. That's the proper thing to do.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I strongly believe people to have the propensity for deception, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

    2. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      The Tuskagee syphilis experiment took 25 years to be exposed. Roswell was supposed to be in 1947, 76 years ago.

      Seminal paper on conspiracies and how long they can be kept secret:

      Grimes DR (2016). On the Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0147905.

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. heyrick Silver badge

        Re: One of these things is not the same as the other.

        Plus, they only visited America? All the land on this lump of rock and that's the only place they went?

        The idea that somebody/somebodies could sit on this and keep it secret for so long is inconceivable.

        This is just a distraction from the depressing shit that passes for reality these days.

        1. Toni the terrible

          Re: One of these things is not the same as the other.

          No they didnt, but only in America would anyone make a big thing of it

      2. ChoHag Silver badge

        Re: One of these things is not the same as the other.

        It was a very good offer.

        After all when it comes to interstellar aliens, we have all the leverage.

    4. ChoHag Silver badge

      "The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."

    5. englishr

      Open mind

      Keep an open mind but not so open that your brain falls out.

      -- Anonymous (but widely attributed to Richard Feynman)

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    America, the Dumbest

    Why would aliens only choose UassSA for crash landings ? Cant they land smoothly given they have the tech to travel so far to an insignificant dot sized planet in the outer swirls of our Milky way?

    Also, given that they are spending Billions on trying to find life on moon and mars (so far only), why would they want to hide alien life which came ready on a platter?

    Perhaps they dont want to upset the rednecks in the bible belt, for votes.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: America, the Dumbest

      "Why would aliens only choose UassSA for crash landings ?"

      They landed at a few places in Europe, no problem; took off, tried Japan, all fine. Australia? Bit dry, but down and up again, not an issue. At each stop the examined the local culture.

      Overflying the US, listening in to the local radio: pissed themselves laughing, knocked the transmission out of gear and promptly crashed.

      1. Nick Ryan

        Re: America, the Dumbest

        Or possibly found a field of pretty flowers and flew into an overhead wire. Again.

  6. Howard Sway Silver badge

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

    As the anti-science conspiracy nuts often say. However, the burden of proof in science lies with those making claims, not those who point out that no evidence has been supplied.,

    1. Nick Ryan

      Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

      For a perfect example of this look at the morons who claim that the earth is flat.

      The only thing they are capable of presenting evidence for is their own stupidity/gullibility (or perhaps that they're just a grifter out to take advantage of the former) and not a single shred of any evidence for a flat earth, just conspiracy claims about how NASA, using CGI for the last 2,500 years, has been hiding "the truth", about how "they" as in every government ever existed that often violently don't get on have all collaborated on this as well as the explicit collaboration of many hundreds of thousands of people who work in aerospace, surveying, geology, etc. None of their "models" can even account for sunrises and sunsets, let alone anything further or more than one thing at a time, and their sole argument is to try to pick holes in existing proofs because they don't understand them. There's money to be made in this grifting though, which is why it happens.

      1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

        Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

        They are an odd lot. Some are a bit more committed than others:

        1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

          Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

          Considering his rocket was only supposed to get to 5,000 feet and he could have got a plane flight at 30-40,000 feet for much less, I think he was mostly committed to getting gullible idiots to fund his eccentric hobby of building steam rockets.

      2. JulieM Silver badge

        Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

        You wouldn't get time zones on a Pizza Planet, because a Sun rising perpendicular to the horizon would illuminate the whole surface within the time it takes light to cross from one side to the other. And it only takes 500 seconds (= 8'20") for light from the Sun to reach the Earth.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence


          According to flerfers, it is always refraction.

          1. JulieM Silver badge

            Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

            So help me model this. I've got a pizza on a coffee table, with a Hula hoop passing between the table legs to represent the Sun's orbit: perpendicular to the plane of the Earth, rising in the East, passing overhead at midday (13:00 in Summer) and setting in the West. And I'm moving the Sun around the Hula hoop. At some point, the Sun is going to peek above the table and illuminate the pizza. Now before Dawn can break, the light has to travel through space before it hits the atmosphere (which is going to have a weird shape, because a pizza's gravitational field is not at all isotropic, but let's worry about this later); and *this* 150 000 000 km. leg of the journey is the bit where all the shenanigans must be happening, because we know for certain how light behaves in air -- and, for that matter, in a more perfect vacuum than the tiny part of space we have explored.

            And any ray of light that enters this space between the Sun and the Earth slows down and changes direction, emerging several hours later (possibly even while the Sun is below the table) appearing to have come from somewhere else (since the Sun's orbital plane only runs due East-West along one diameter of the pizza; but we know by observation the Sun always rises in the East and sets in the West).

            There just seems so much to go wrong with this setup, particularly considering how much simpler a football planet orbiting the Sun would make it. And we haven't even considered how the Sun's light is going to bounce off the Moon and go through this complicated distorting path ..... or that annoyingly-isotropic gravitational field .....

            1. Nick Ryan

              Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

              Just wait until you hear the excuses and hand waving and general changing of subjects when it comes to a flerf trying to explain away the moon and its phases, its impact on the tides and eclipses (both solar and lunar).

      3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

        "None of their "models" can even account for sunrises and sunsets,"

        Are you saying there are no sunsets or sunsets on Discworld? If that were true, they'd not have a Nightwatch in Ankh Morpork because that would be a silly name for them.

        1. Richard 12 Silver badge

          Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

          Speed of light, miss.

          Light travels much slower in a magical field.

          1. that one in the corner Silver badge

            Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

            Well, if we take the 8 light minutes (quoted a few messages back) from the Sun to the disc, add in the flat Earth claim the the Sun is somewhere from 30 to 37 miles above the surface, I believe that gives us a speed of light around 215 miles per hour.

            If the Sun also takes a mere 24 hours to circle the Equator then, um, something about the light not reaching the other side of the disc until the Sun has itself already got there (it might have gone around 1 1/2 times, the maths gets a little - odd).

            If the light from "night" reaches the other side when the Sun is also there, it must be "day" light after all, not "night" light - so the night's *are* dark because the Sun isn't there and neither is the light.

            Or something like that.

            1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge
              Thumb Up

              Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

              Thanks for that. Can I have some Paracetamol now?

            2. Nick Ryan

              Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

              Don't forget that the moon radiates cold which is why it's colder at night. Except when it's just projection... by whom onto what doesn't matter as does the little fact that if it really was projected onto some surface (dome) then it'd still be visible from absolutely everywhere just a different size. Little details like the moon appearing to be almost exactly the same size from anywhere on earth are trivial matters easily explained by... um... er... flerfspective. Or magic. Or just changing the subject and hoping that we didn't notice.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

      And yet an absence of evidence is no evidence at all (at least in this case).


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