back to article We're in a timeline where Dettol maker has to beg folks not to inject cleaning fluid into their veins. Thanks, Trump

Reckitt Benckiser Plc, the British maker of disinfectants Lysol and Dettol, had to hastily issue a statement this morning telling people not to ingest or inject their cleaning products in the hopes of fending off coronavirus. This came just hours after the world watched slack-jawed as the President of the United States …


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  1. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge
    1. Dagg Silver badge

      I always reminded of the spitting images skit "The presidents' brain is missing"

  2. Danny 2

    Fake science, heroic leader

    The fake liberal media can snipe from the sidelines but Trump has all the best advice and is in a position of responsibility. People are really surprised he understands this stuff, so we should back him 101%.

    He recommended hydroxychloroquine to his supporters as a cure, in the face of studies that claim it kills more patients. He applauded his supporters gathering en masse to protest the social distancing.

    Recommending his supporters to inject themselves with bleach to kill the virus, well within three days that is provably scientifically and medically correct.

    He should lead from the front on live TV, I'd watch that. Peroxide might even cure his orange-face.

    1. Cederic Silver badge

      Re: Fake science, heroic leader

      He recommended hydroxychloroquine to his supporters as a cure

      No, he did not.

      He said that it was a promising treatment worthy of further investigation. Clinical trials in multiple countries on multiple continents suggests that trained medical professionals agreed with him.

      Recommending his supporters to inject themselves with bleach to kill the virus

      Oh dear. About the only thing you got right in your post is "fake liberal media". Sadly you appear to believe them.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Fake science, heroic leader


        ' On chloroquine, Trump said it's shown "very, very encouraging early results. And we’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately.”

        Addressing potential safety concerns, Trump noted that it had been used previously in treating malaria, “so we know if things don't go as planned, it’s not going to kill anybody.” '

        Turns out "I'm Not A Doctor" Trump was wrong on that last part.

        Along with causing a shortage through panic buying so people who actually need the drug can't get it readily any more.

        Trump is a liability. It's actually good he's stopped doing these briefings, after having a temper tantrum this weekend, because he's not being feted as some great saviour.

        No doubt he'll be on Twitter sniping at windmills and pushing MMS and other ridiculous/dangerous "cures" from various fringe kooks.

      2. DJV Silver badge


        Whoosh! Go find a dictionary and look up the word "sarcasm". You might learn something (oh, sorry, I retract my last sentence because, with you being a Trump supporter, you are incapable of learning).

        1. Cederic Silver badge

          Re: @Cederic

          The sarcasm was in response to the false claims. The false claims were made nonetheless.

          Also, stop calling me a Trump supporter. I'm not. I just don't believe the media coverage of him because it's even less reliable than he is.

  3. The Central Scrutinizer

    You're all fake news.

    1. Frumious Bandersnatch

      Your awl fecks yews.

      1. jake Silver badge

        "Your awl fecks yews."

        No, I used a chainsaw to take out the majority of the yews. An awl would take forever.

  4. the Jim bloke

    Time to re ignite the "Make America Great Again" campaign

    Only this time the logo is a boot kicking an orange clown..

    Problem is that people who voted for trump arent going to admit how completely they fucked up, so they will double down and insist he is a misunderstood genius..

    They need a mechanism to allow them to save face, something that makes it not their fault..

    (this only applies to the percentage that recognises there IS a problem, but I have some residual hope that not all of them are totally lost)

    A campaign with the message that anyone who bought into Trumps Make America Great Again, should be asking for their money back, reframes the issue as them being conned and ripped off (not inaccurate), with the fantasy of financial reward, but would not be popular with any other political candidate as it brings up the spectre of penalties for failing to keep election promises.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Time to re ignite the "Make America Great Again" campaign

      "something that makes it not their fault"

      Well, it turns out that the Idiot in Chief is a commie sympathizer. Who knew? Shirley no good, decent, Patriotic, God fearing Republican could possibly vote for THAT ... McCarthy must be spinning fast enough to light up the entire shoreline of Lake Michigan!

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Time to re ignite the "Make America Great Again" campaign

        Nixon's looking pretty good right now, eh ?

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: Time to re ignite the "Make America Great Again" campaign


  5. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    The question just has to be asked ..... Is US President #45 Madder than a Hatter*?

    Is POTUS Trump exhibiting classic late/early signs of dementia?

    Is the following, sort of evidence .......

    He has called golfing his "primary form of exercise", although he usually does not walk the course. He considers exercise a waste of energy. ...... In December 2015, Harold Bornstein, who had been Trump's personal physician since 1980, wrote in a letter that he would "be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency". In May 2018, Bornstein said Trump himself had dictated the contents of the letter, and that three Trump agents had removed his medical records in February 2017 without due authorization ......

    And where is Melania these days?

    * Mad as a hatter

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: The question just has to be asked ..... Is US President #45 Madder than a Hatter*?

      Senility has been my take on it for quite awhile, amfM.

      See this post from October of '17 ...

      "And where is Melania these days?"

      Who cares? She's no Nancy ...

      (My spall chucker insists that should be Melatonin. Appropriate, methinks ...)

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: The question just has to be asked ..... Is US President #45 Madder than a Hatter*?

        "And where is Melania these days?"

        Who cares? She's no Nancy ... ....jake

        Indeed she is not, jake, ....... hence the interest? :-)

        1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

          Re: The question just has to be asked ..... Is US President #45 Madder than a Hatter*?

          Ask and IT answers and it shall be answered ........

          The AIMachine knows practically anything and most probably also virtually everything too ‽ . :-)

          Poe's Law Rules too :-)

          And here's something to read over the weekend which might just agree ...... The Artilect War: Cosmists Vs. Terrans: A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines by Hugo de Garis (2005-02-28) ..... if you have money to burn.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The question just has to be asked ..... Is US President #45 Madder than a Hatter*?

      Wait... was that a coherent post from amanfromMars? «faints»

      Surely it is the End Times now...

      (Either that, or social distancing is preventing him from topping up at his regular enriched tea parties?)

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: The question just has to be asked ..... Is US President #45 Madder than a Hatter*?

        amanfromMars is widely believed to be an AI, or just a Markov chain seeded by Fox twitter feed.

        This might just be the debug log.

        (There is another theory that Fox's twitter feed is just a Markov chain fed by amanfromMars)

        1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

          More a Sign of the Times rather than Foxy News Items although both be definitely possible.

          Certainly stranger things have happened and never stop happening, Yet Another Anonymous coward.

          The FOIA document, obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), was produced by a little-known U.S. government organization called the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI). It was created by the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and its official purpose is "to consider the methods and means necessary to advance the development of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and associated technologies to comprehensively address the national security and defense needs of the United States."

          The NSCAI is a key part of the government's response to what is often referred to as the coming "fourth industrial revolution," which has been described as "a revolution characterized by discontinuous technological development in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), big data, fifth-generation telecommunications networking (5G), nanotechnology and biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing." ......

          More than that, it would be now for so many, too terrifying to say, and they need to be suitably dealt with first and foremost ‽ ‽ ‽

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: The question just has to be asked ..... Is US President #45 Madder than a Hatter*?

          ояебу!! ска пацталом!! a specimen of a high class humo(u)r, lotsapoints!

    3. Danny 2

      Re: The question just has to be asked ..... Is US President #45 Madder than a Hatter*?

      Erethism, also known as erethism mercurialis, mad hatter disease, or mad hatter syndrome, is a neurological disorder which affects the whole central nervous system, as well as a symptom complex, derived from mercury poisoning. Erethism is characterized by behavioral changes such as irritability, low self-confidence, depression, apathy, shyness and timidity, and in some extreme cases with prolonged exposure to mercury vapors, by delirium, personality changes and memory loss. People with erethism often have difficulty with social interactions. Associated physical problems may include a decrease in physical strength, "headaches, general pain, and tremors after exposure to metallic mercury" as well as an irregular heartbeat.


      Historically, this was common among old England felt-hatmakers who had long-term exposure to vapors from the mercury they used to stabilize the wool in a process called felting, where hair was cut from a pelt of an animal such as a rabbit.

  6. chivo243 Silver badge

    I'm in line for the injection

    Right behind uncle Donny... As soon as he has his, I would remember I left my oven on and leave.

  7. Chris G

    A bleach alternative

    Ivermectin came up as a potential Covid-19 treatment in my reading the other day, it's a well known anti-parasitic,can be administered to humans and has fairly well known effects. At the moment regarding Covid-19 it has only been demonstrated In Vitro but is showing promise.

    What really interested me though, was the price of an anti headlice Ivermectin based shampoo in Europe was a few Euros, the same in the US was apparently about $100!

    That absurd profiteering may well be part of the reason why so many are likely to be taken in by snake oil ads.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: A bleach alternative

      Ivermectin 3$, liability insurance $47, profit $50.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: A bleach alternative

        Make that Ivermectin $0.10, etc. etc.

        I live here, and trust our medical professionals with my life (hopefully not literally any time soon ...). It's the insurance and pharmaceutical companies who are bleeding us into the poorhouse.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: A bleach alternative

        The "Liability Insurance" argument is such a pile of horse manure. My kids pediatrician does not accept my health insurance but over the years we still use him as a cash paying customer because we are comfortable with his service and I am lazy to find on in network. A few months back he charges is $25 for a vaccine then sent us a bull for $350 as the balance due for the vaccine. When I called to clear the bill up I was informed that the normal cost is $375 but as a cash paying customer it was only $25.

        There is no doubt the cost of liability insurance is a factor in medical cost but it is also a smoke herring. I use my health insurance as Catastrophic coverage and pay for all services cash. In most cases the services cost us less than the co-pay our neighbors make for similar services.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: A bleach alternative

          Imagine if house and car ownership were also only available through your employer - but that would be ridiculous.

        2. Adelio

          Re: A bleach alternative

          As a british citizen I use the National Healt Service.

          It surprises me that people in the "greatest Country in the World" (USA) pay what they pay for Health care.

          Having to pay an exhorbitant amount of money for health insurance, AND then getting stung for?? (in the uk we would call it Excess)

          Actually it seems line over 20 million do not have any medical insurance so are really buggered.

          And the price you pay!, O.M.G no wonder so many people in the US appear to limit what they have treatment for. (O I have cut off tow finfs using a circular saw, which one can i affort to get sewen back on)

    2. Sponge

      Ivermectin - Re: A bleach alternative

      You were half a year ahead of the curve. is a website for a bunch of drs using Ivermectin. There's plenty of trials info, and more importantly, actual practice results - but there's also fear, ignorance, and supposed medical experts decrying things that aren't happening.

      One of the drs who developed a novel protocol for critical sepsis patients is on their board and has protocols for critical hospital care, outpatient case, and also a prophylaxis protocol. Ivermectin plays a part. The doctors who know that it works are lambasted if they mention it. That leads to people trying whatever they can find on the shelves - possibly veterinary versions. Some of those might work, but others have additional medications that are meant to be toxic. That's not the cocktail they want to experiment with.

      On the plus side as a medication, it's very inexpensive, it is well tolerated, the frequency of use is low, it can be used throughout the virus cycle.

      On the negative side as a medication, it's very inexpensive, the frequency of use is low.

      But there's still plenty of information leaking out. There are many channels on YouTube where doctors talk about the use of ivermectin: Dr John Campbell, drbeen medical lectures, FLCCC connect, Whiteboard Dr, Trialsite news, Paul Marik, ...

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Ivermectin - A bleach alternative

        Even Frontiers Media (specifically Frontiers in Pharmacology) have called the FLCCC's so-called "studies" full of unsubstantiated claims and pulled the abstract on March 1st.

        I, personally, don't feel that trusting my life to what appears to be a few self-serving media whores making a living from that side of YouTube is a very good idea. YMMV.

  8. DrXym

    The first thing I thought when I heard about this...

    ... was that those cretins (and cretin is the right word) who advocate drinking "Miracle Mineral Supplement" (otherwise known as industrial bleach) would cream themselves. And lo they did.

  9. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

    I listened to Trump

    And I've been taking his covid-19 cure all night

    On one hand its made me smell like a clean toilet, and its dissolved all my kidney/gall stones.

    On the other hand I'm in hospital having my stomach pumped and this guy in a frock and a collar is reading something called 'last nights' or something.. not too sure, the ringing in my ears is getting louder and this strange tunnel of light has appeared....

  10. Unicornpiss

    Injecting sanitizer, and other tales..

    The problem with this is that Trump has said so many far fetched things that it's hard to tell if he's being serious. And it's especially hard for certain members of the populace that have not been blessed with critical thinking, eg. the people that voted for him. Also, since Trump's sense of humor could best be described as vestigial IMO, you have a good recipe for confusion.

    1. the Jim bloke

      Re: Injecting sanitizer, and other tales..

      If its being said, publicly and to mass media, by the head of state of one of the most powerful nations on earth - its serious. If he doesnt understand that - its even more serious.

  11. nxnwest


    Putting the "U"ltraviolet in "sUppository".

    "Ask your Doctor about..."

    Icon cos it may burn..

  12. Lars


    That is, it's not sad that there is a limit to how long you can hide stupidity, and the more the chosen pink stable genius speaks the more difficult it has become for him to hide his stupidity.

    The sad thing is that in a two party system it's so hard to vote for the assumed enemy party and against the idiot and many choose the party and the idiot instead.

    To be honest, there is indeed a large third party too, the party of those who do not vote at all, a very good choice for those who do not want to vote nor for the idiot or the enemy party.

  13. quartzz

    as Bruce Willis said, "the President just asked us to save the ignoring what he says".

  14. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

    We need an El Reg "Inner Dialogue" competition

  15. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

    Is Ellen Muth available?

    I'm wanting a Dead Like Me special edition where George is busy with all the people who take Trump's advice. Daniel Uhlfelder is practically promoting it already.

    Wait, how did the world get to this state? I need by debugger.

  16. ava007

    I wish a circus in Way Way Out would take this clown away. Pence too - ask him a question and he mumble-dances around it until boredom kills everyone in the area. If you read his lips, he's praying for his god to remove the virus. Just like he did during the Aids problem in Indiana when he was (a one-time) Governor.

    One interesting thing about the Stable Genius Presidency: he and Pence are proof there are no gods.

    One more thing thing: search for Clorox Chewables. That picture has circled the planet faster than COVID-19.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      >he and Pence are proof there are no gods.

      Cthulhu disagrees

      (Is it slightly worrying that Cthulhu is my phone's autocomplete dictionary?)

    2. Toni the terrible Bronze badge

      It is proof that there are malevolent god-like beings or devils though.

  17. sanmigueelbeer

    Lead by example, Donald. Lead by example

    First Donald recommends everyone take chloroquine.

    Next, Donald recommends injecting disinfectants and cleaning fluids.

    I think it is high time for Donald to put his money where his mouth is and lead by example.

  18. gkroog

    Americans don't need Trump's help chugging disinfectant...

    They were at it just fine before he said anything:

  19. james7byrne

    No Politics Please

    What does this article have to do with IT? Let's not ruin this site with inane political sport. I am so sick of politics, it's ruing discussions about anything these days. You can swing a dead cat without hitting someone with a political opinion nobody wants to hear.

  20. PassiveSmoking


    This is what happens when you treat education as an afterthought for generations, where learning to recite from the text book and tick the right box on a multiple choice test is more important than learning how to think critically, evaluate sources, and apply logic and reason.

    America is a lost cause, but make no mistake, unless we fix our education system we're headed the same way. We're a couple of generations away from also being a nation of bleach drinkers, at best.

  21. teebie

    Hello, yes please, I would like to take medical advice from the man who doesn't know the word for 'brain'.

  22. Fenton


    At least his idea of raking a forest was harmless.

    His idea of buying Greenland was bonkers but again relatively harmless (diplomacy aside)

    His idea of building a well, financially bonkers but not a killer (directly anyway)

    But mentioning fish tank cleaner and bleach to cure Covid is beyond the pale especially as he knows

    he has a lot of uneducated supporters (not showing your love of them here are you Trump)

    Surly somebody in his family has to guts to tell him to think before he

    opens his mouth.


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