back to article We're in a timeline where Dettol maker has to beg folks not to inject cleaning fluid into their veins. Thanks, Trump

Reckitt Benckiser Plc, the British maker of disinfectants Lysol and Dettol, had to hastily issue a statement this morning telling people not to ingest or inject their cleaning products in the hopes of fending off coronavirus. This came just hours after the world watched slack-jawed as the President of the United States …


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    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Dare I suggest

      Obviously it's so important that clinical trials should start immediately and equally obviously the keenest proponent of the scheme would surely be the first to volunteer. And none of that blind control nonsense either. That's for all these scientists who take forever to tell you things. Just get on with it.

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Dare I suggest

      The lack of social distancing on the podium would imply he's quite likely to catch it sooner rather than later. But I'd be prepared to bet that he and anyone near him is being tested frequently.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Dare I suggest

        I've always been astounded by that. The UK briefings have for weeks, if not months, been very carefully choreographed to show social distancing, and all journalist questions are asked by video link. Plus, the main person on the briefing always has someone noteworthy (ie, science, medical) alongside to take and answer questions.

        Trumps briefings on the other hand seem to consist of lots of nodding yes-men, standing behind and close to him, slapping him on the back, and not one of them gets to make a contribution or say anything noteworthy...... And a room of journalists, who have obviously had to travel to get there.

        You couldn't make it up.

        1. Jamie Jones Silver badge

          Re: Dare I suggest

          To add to that, I've noticed in the Cuomo briefings, his staff, and the reporters are all kept at a distance from each other.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Dare I suggest

          That's pretty much how American corporates used to operate. In one of P G Wodehouse's stories, a mere Nodder, IIRC, owing to a bit of cleverness gets promoted to a Yes-man. There is a scale even among such tasks.

          1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

            Re: Dare I suggest

            "a mere Nodder"

            It goes back a long way. The records of the Wakefield manor court from about 1300 have many references to an attorney called "Hugh the Nodder".

      2. DJV Silver badge

        "he and anyone near him is being tested frequently"

        Just not tested for intelligence, obviously!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "he and anyone near him is being tested frequently"

          Groan - get ye back to bed.

  1. Dropper


    I tried my first Clorox-Tini.. shaken (of course).. and aside from a little hoarseness, difficulty breathing, retching, full-on vomiting, diarrhea, rectal bleeding and mouth burns.. I didn't notice anything untoward. I think he might be on to something here.

    1. Jamie Jones Silver badge

      Re: Cowards

      Ah.... But do you have covid-19? !

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Cowards

        now - yes..

      2. Outer mongolian custard monster from outer space (honest)

        Re: Cowards

        No, they dont. But they didn't have before, therefore Its worked 100% in preventing catching it.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      You're doing it wrong ..

      I'd suggest alcohol, at about 40% concentration, spiked with a weak solution of quinine infused water .. Cheers!

  2. Dr. Ellen

    "Orange Man Bad!"

    I wasn't there. I don't know what Trump said. You read the papers. You don't know what Trump said. All we know for sure is that whatever Trump said, the media are going to trumpet (snrk) the worst possible interpretation of it.

    1. oiseau

      Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

      I wasn't there. I don't know what Trump said.

      I see ...

      I was not there either, I was actually ~ 8400 km away.

      But I know exactly what Trump said.

      And I know exactly what Trump said because I heard him say it while I watching the briefing 'live' on my computer screen.

      So yes, Orange Man Bad -> ie: dumb asshole.


    2. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

      Re: "Orange Man Bad!"


      Sorry for the shouting, guys. I just . . . I can't anymore. Being this willfully stupid and ignorant should have more profound and rapid evolutionary consequences. Or it should hurt. A lot.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

        Well if you believe America is real and not something made up on the internet

        1. cdrcat

          Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

          Cristobal Colon is still alive running the show from a secret bunker located under the Vatican. You’ll notice that Christopher Columbus Is an obvious anagram containing “Hitler”, which says it all. “Americans” are actually spy robots - they have to be loud to cover up the noise of their internal machinery (Machiavellian has the same root). If the mods publish this, I will be replaced with a machine intelligence: if the quality of my comments improves then it proves it (or if they get worse it’ll be because they programmed the replacement to act dumb).

          1. Sanguma

            Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

            Cristobal Colon is still alive running the show from a secret bunker located under the Vatican

            Uh, no, the Vatican had a Colonotomy, after a Colonoscopy showed untoward symptoms ...

          2. batfink

            Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

            Ah - so now we know the origin of amanfrommars...

        2. Frumious Bandersnatch

          Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

          Well if you believe America is real and not something made up on the internet

          Finland! That's the "country" that was invented on the Internet. Do you not know anything? FFS!

          1. Frumious Bandersnatch

            Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

            And in case you want to retort with something like "Oh, but Finland always tops the rankings for happiest countries!", well what does that tell you about the existence of a thing called "happiness" in this world of ours? IT DOES NOT EXIST!

          2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

            Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

            >Finland! That's the "country" that was invented on the Internet. Do you not know anything? FFS!

            Finland the country is fake, but the people are real

            America the country is real, but all the people are internet deep fakes

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

          From your mouth to God's ears.

      2. jake Silver badge

        Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

        As I've been saying for several decades (and around here for at least 11 years), Stupidity SHOULD hurt! ... On the bright side, we've got a chance of kicking the senile old git out of the Whitehouse come November.

        1. Frumious Bandersnatch

          Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

          Maybe he could use that Wyclef Jean song as a campaign anthem.

      3. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

        Re: "Orange Man Bad!"


        If only some reporter were brave enough to stand up in one of his briefings and ask that while the world is watching.

      4. eldakka

        Re: "Orange Man Bad!"


        @Dr. Ellen seems to be an unquestioning Trump supporter who isn't even capable of finding the myriad videos of the conference on youtube or on the many news sites that host it (obviously not Fox and friends, whiuch is probably the only news sites this person reads) to see for themselves what the fake president said. What more answer do you need?

    3. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

      A recording is available for anyone who wants to know, and yes he is an actual fucking idiot. The only thing he didn't suggest was drinking Brawndo.

    4. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

      "I wasn't there."

      Why not? Are you located somewhere where you can't get access to a US news channel locally or access live streaming of the "briefing"? If so, why are you even commenting when others like me on the "wrong side" of the Atlantic DID see and hear exactly what he said.

      I'm guessing you are dyed in the wool Trump supporter. Surely even you must be starting to wonder if this guy is all there.

    5. Tomato42

      Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

      "Orange man bad"

      ah, yes, the Russian operative and fascist favourite: psychological projection

      yes, I'm referring to the 8 years of "black man bad" (see also: "Dijon mustard" and "tan suit")

    6. jake Silver badge

      Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

      Are you really this stupid, Dr. Ellen? Or are you just being sarcastic?

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

        Presumably, unless this was some horrific supervillian accident, he chose to be that color !

    7. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "Orange Man Bad!"

      You should - and I mean this on an entirely personal level - hang thy head in shame, peddling shit like this. Who the fuck do you think you're fucking kidding? Fuck off with that attitude, you scumbucket. You're not even interested in the truth. One prays you are alone in life as you seem to be. Others depending on you, woe betide them.

  3. Mummy's 'ickle soldier

    Screaming amounts of rampant twattery

    So I listened to this guy talk about:

    Putting light into people, because, you know, science says that light kills bugs.

    Science says that dettol and bleach kill the virus, so maybe we can put that in people and it will, you know, with the light, make a medicine.

    Fire also kills the virus, a nuclear explosion at ground zero kills the virus, Concentrated Nitric acid kills the virus.

    Why don’t we use these on people too yeah?

    Utter Berk (in the original meaning of the word).

    1. Dr. Ellen

      Re: Screaming amounts of rampant twattery

      The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1903 was awarded to Niels Ryberg Finsen "in recognition of his contribution to the treatment of diseases, especially lupus vulgaris, with concentrated light radiation, whereby he has opened a new avenue for medical science." --

      Scientists are reporting development and successful initial testing of the first practical "smart" material that may supply the missing link in efforts to use in medicine a form of light that can penetrate four inches into the human body. Their report on the new polymer or plastic-like material, which has potential for use in diagnosing diseases and engineer new human tissues in the lab, appears in ACS' journal Macromolecules. --

      Then there are the two people from Arizona who each took a teaspoon of fish tank cleaner -- which did indeed contain chloroquine phosphate. Even if that was all that was in the tank cleaner, a teaspoon of it would be a massive overdose almost certain to kill. Nobody can speak so clearly that an idiot can't make a Darwin Award of it.

      1. Chris G

        Re: Screaming amounts of rampant twattery

        If you read the article in Science Daily, you would know the the light (NIR) was not being used as a treatment so much as part of a delivery system for targeted drugs and that it may be useful for some form of diagnostic use. Bears no relationship to killing viruses with UV at all.

      2. Dr_N

        Re: Screaming amounts of rampant twattery

        @Dr Ellen's Nobel prize quote.

        Cutaneous Tuberculosis is a bacterial skin infection, not viral.

        Are you one of those people who quotes Nobel Prizes to peddle scam cures, fuel magnets and other such ?

    2. Cederic Silver badge

      Re: Screaming amounts of rampant twattery

      erm. You do know that light is used to treat people that are ill?

      It's used inside them too.

      It's used inside their lungs too.

      Or maybe you think the NHS is lying:

      Luckily someone's already exploring the viability - note that this press release predates the news conference:

      1. Mooseman Silver badge

        Re: Screaming amounts of rampant twattery

        Light sensitive medication. Very good. Not using light to kill a virus.

  4. 45RPM

    Those of us with an IQ greater than that of a brain damaged dog have known since before Trump got elected that he’s a dimwit and a liability. Those who couldn’t see that have been an irritation and a source of bafflement. We’re now way past the point where those who defend the indefensible are merely a source of bafflement. They’re actively part of the problem.

    Antivaxxers, Trumpists, NRAers, Brexiteers &c &c, please find another planet to muck up, and stop wrecking ours.

    1. Dr. Ellen

      Whatever you think of Trump - and the polls are split - there is one thing you cannot deny: he is NOT Hilary Clinton.

      1. 45RPM

        You’re telling me. For all her faults, she isn’t such a colossal wuckfit.

      2. jake Silver badge

        And neither are you, Dr. Ellen. Does that make you a very stable genius? Or does that make your comment one of the most egregious non-sequitur bits of attempted misdirection recently seen in this august forum?

      3. Steve K

        I’m not Hilary Clinton either

        I’m not Hilary Clinton either, and neither is my wife.

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        >>>>Whatever you think of Trump - and the polls are split - there is one thing you cannot deny: he is NOT Hilary Clinton.

        Is he the Bolivian Navy on maneuvers in the South Pacific... ?

        1. 45RPM

          I don’t think he knows where Bolivia is or even where the South Pacific is. He might be Thomas the Tug Boat on manoeuvres in a sewage farm though.

      5. oiseau

        @Dr. Ellen ...

        Still trolling?

        Come on, don't be daft!


        1. Intractable Potsherd

          Looking back at Dr. Ellen's posting history, s/he is usually fairly sane. There is one mention of her/him taking medication for a thyroid problem - maybe there is a problem with supply?

          1. oiseau

            ... maybe there is a problem with supply?

            Most probably.

            With oxygen supply to the brain.

            Look, I'm not a doctor ... ---> 8^D !

            But look, in "Everyone Says I Love You" (W. Allen - 1996), the lone dyed in the wool Republican son in a liberal Manhattan family collapses and is rushed to the hospital. The doctors explain that he had an arterial blockage and his brain was not getting enough oxygen.

            Upon removal of the blockage, his brain starts functioning properly and he resigns from the Conservative Republican Club to become a Democrat.

            Must be true, I saw it in a movie.




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