Fully agree with the sentiment of the article, the internet isnt broken society is.
the uber elites control far to much of the control and deny learning to the and security to those they deem less, this situation is not new, it's what lead to the fall of monarchies and the class system, but has now been replaced by a wealth system. where class used to matter now wealth does.
The only way to solve this is a mass upheaval of the status quo, and a major change in human nature. this will not happen overnight, and will not be without cost, but ultimatley leads to a better world for everyone.
There are visonaries that have realised this, but they are few and far between (e.g. Dan Price, Richard Branson) but as they continue to succeed this will influence others, and monetary wealth becomes less of a measure of success.
Every person should be valued for there particualr skillset and everyone should have the opportunity to do everything. But also people need to realise that not everyones skillset is built or enabled in the same way, some are good at logic, some good at analysis, some fast, some strong, some resilient, some empathetic, but all these are valued and all have value.
there is no difference between a time served bricklayer and a degree certified chemist, each in theirown field is qualified and capable, and each capable of amazing the other eith their specific skill.
if we can get to a point where this is the default, then people will feel valued and empowered and will be lees prone to adopting extreme views for a sense of belonging.