back to article 'AI is not the cause, it’s an accelerant. The pace of change is challenging' Experts give Congress deepfakes straight dope

The US House of Reps' Intelligence Committee on Thursday held its first hearing into computer-fabricated videos dubbed deepfakes, quizzing experts from across worlds of AI, social policy, and law. These deepfake videos are typically generated by deep-learning software to fool viewers into thinking someone said something they …


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "Antisocial media"

      Well at least everyone gets a go, as opposed to just those who have the money/power to influence media. If it's a choice between only the elite being able to spread rampant bollocks or everyone can do it; then I will opt for the latter every time.

      Yeah, sure, there is a much greater volume of rampant bollocks to deal with; but IMO we as a species are in that tricky period between being enabled to do something and learning how to deal with it.

      And let us not forget that "Official" and un-anonymous sources of information have used the power of bigotry to give us both Brexit and Trump as prez. Anonymity has also not played much of a part in even bigger bads like starting wars, but misinformation has. Weapons of mass destruction anyone?

      1. DavCrav

        Re: "Antisocial media"

        "Well at least everyone gets a go, as opposed to just those who have the money/power to influence media. If it's a choice between only the elite being able to spread rampant bollocks or everyone can do it; then I will opt for the latter every time."

        How do you reckon that little experiment is going so far, hmm?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Antisocial media"

          Swings and roundabouts, really. There is a huge volume of rampant bollocks, of course, cyberbullying, misinformation (that the even-older-than-us generation seem particularly prone to); revenge porn; trolling and the like.

          But there's pluses too: people in positions of power are more likely to be called out and maybe held accountable for their actions; there is an unbelievable vast amount of real information; anonymity protects journalists and people in oppressive regimes; and pseudoanonymity helps people to be more candid, especially about work-related subjects that they would not otherwise be able to share; and more candid about taboo subjects. I've learned more on Reddit than I ever did at school. And we would not be having this conversation without might be here if you had to stump up ID, but I sure as hell wouldn't.

          Like I said earlier, I think we're in a transition phase between getting the ability and learning to deal with it.

          1. Charles 9

            Re: "Antisocial media"

            "Like I said earlier, I think we're in a transition phase between getting the ability and learning to deal with it."

            But what if it turns out that most people can't deal with it and just go all Cognitive Dissonance and become more hidebound and desperate for their echo chambers?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: "Antisocial media"

              Even echo chambers have pluses. If, say, I caught a rare 1:5 million disease tomorrow I could fire up the internet with a pretty good chance of finding a group of my fellow afflicted and learn about prognosis, treatment, lifehacks and other relevant information.

              Also, you do have to deal with people outside your bubble in RL....the more out there your opinions are and the more aggressive you are about evangelising them; the more static you're going to get back. So there are limiting factors at play.

              More importantly, I believe, the current technology is mobile and not - as it was for us OG nerds - a cubic metre of assorted boxen. You can stay inside if you choose, but it is an option.

              1. Charles 9

                Re: "Antisocial media"

                You don't get it. True echo chambers are actually Reality Distortion Fields. You hear static, they hear praise. Nothing you say can convince them other wise as they'll use sophistry, confusion fu, and other strategies (including "I reject your reality and substitute my own" now en vogue in Washington) to deny you any purchase. Even ignoring is considered you surrendering to them. Put it this way: there's a reason they say you can never win an argument with an irrational person; the irrational don't play by the rules.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: "Antisocial media"

                  So what? And why try to win arguments anyway? A thing is true or it is not.

                  1. Charles 9

                    Re: "Antisocial media"

                    Truth is relative, and the accuracy of any fact is up to the person's perspective. Put it this way. Do you want an omnicidal maniac anywhere near a Big Red Button?

  1. Carpet Deal 'em

    Maybe it's time to beat the public over the head with PGP?

    The only way to guarantee a given video isn't doctored would be to have it cryptographically signed by the camera that shot it. Of course, this would make even re-encoding impossible(so video-hosting sites would need to post (only?) the original or risk being called out), but that seems like a relatively small price to pay to be sure if that Pelosi-Schumer sex tape is real.

    1. Charles 9

      Re: Maybe it's time to beat the public over the head with PGP?

      Already beaten. Cameras and companies have been hacked to obtain camera signing keys.

  2. knandras

    Oooh shiny

    Now that it affects the politicians, it becomes an important issue.

    Instead of voting for these monkeys, we should all be allowed to vote on the issues, the infrastructure and authentication methods are there, and those that don't wish to vote could still default to have their elected representative vote as they see fit.

  3. Voidstorm
    Big Brother

    Politics : "We must see to it that our lies are the only ones people believe"

    Freedom : *chokes on the hypocrisy*

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You can be a star!

    My new company Virtual Star, will take any movie (yes any) that you have a legal copy of, and put your face on anyone, or even all people in the movie. You can replace Bruce Lee, Sean Connery, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, or even Adult movies. Now you can "give it" to your most liked or hated person of your choice! It's just a purchase away.

    Media will never be the same - it's all about you!


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