That little obfuscated part on the bottom is not rot-13? I give up.
Ed Sheeran should go drive a Sinclair C5 on the motorway until he's crushed by a lorry, though.
The Register seeks full-time developers and data scientists to build software tools to generate El Reg-style headlines and other text. This technology will draw upon the work of top UK academic Professor Warren Rice, who has assembled a database of more than one million news stories, including the entire Register archive, and …
Some prior work in writing in the style of The Register...
...not to forget Tom Watson who wrote the article - wonder what he is doing now.
Five years of experience with tensorflow... that will make the list of qualified applicants very short :-)
After the initial laughing subsided, I actually start to like the idea. It is one of those cases where we laugh today - and it might be implemented tomorrow'ish.
I am looking forward to some geek pulling an all-nighter and implementing he beta version.