back to article So, Linus Torvalds: Did US spooks demand a backdoor in Linux? 'Yes'

Linux supremo Linus Torvalds has jokingly admitted US spooks approached him to put a backdoor in his open-source operating system. During a question-and-answer ‪session ‬at ‪the LinuxCon gathering in New Orleans this week‪, Torvalds ‬and his fellow kernel programmers ‪w‬ere‪ asked by moderator Ric Wheeler whether America's g- …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    But it would have been better...

    ...if he'd given us a straight "yes" or "no". You know, of the sort that comes back to bite you later if you've told a lie and then got found out? As it is, he has plausible deniability about lying, because no-one can really decide if he said yes or no.

    Or can they? Anyone like to actually commit to whether they thought Torvald's answer meant yes or no?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: But it would have been better...

      Didn't you bother to read all our previous splaffs before splaffing that?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's there somewhere in the MAKE script....

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Spooks can compromise these supposedly secure communications by gaining access to the root certificates and encryption keys"

    That would only be if the CA allowed it. A company could very easy run their own PKI infrastructure and thus not need the use of a CA. Then the spooks wouldn't have access to the root certificates nor the encryption keys.

  4. Nym

    Um...about comments here:

    Don't worry about it unless you're about to compromise yourself, unless you've had a high security clearance, at which point you find out the rules--I wasn't actually discharged from the Navy. HP in the early 90s was quietly told to put back doors in all internet servers just like Cisco did; it hit the news once that I saw. Backdoor=command level password & hardware, no details were given.


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