back to article Mass mind control artist condemns El Reg to obscurity

Mass mind control artist Rush Limbaugh has convinced millions of brainwashed Americans that The Register is an "obscure UK tech site." In the US, Limbaugh is famous for using the country's highest-rated radio program to control millions of small American minds over more than two decades. He's also famous for being "a big fat …


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  1. cd


    Lush RImjob

  2. Keith T

    Reg ahead of the NY Times & BBC on Limbaugh's "authoritatabilityness scale".

    You're looking at the glass as half-empty, when its really half-full.

    Isn't it nice to know that Limbaugh considers The Reg an *authoritative* news site. He didn't try to second source your story. He didn't report it as "allegedly". He repeated your report as authoritative.

    That puts The Reg ahead of the NY Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, PBS, CBC and BBC on Rush Limbaugh's "authoritatabilityness scale".

    Cheers mate!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      What about

      Al Jazeera?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "mainstream media"

    What do you mean "mainstream media"? Rush has the highest rated radio show in the country! It's Fox that's the highest rated cable news channel, not CNN. It doesn't get much more mainstream than that. I wouldn't call you mindless, but there are certainly some lapses in logic in your post.

  4. Slaytanic

    A quote about Rush

    What's the difference between the Hindenburg and Rush Limbaugh?

    One's a flaming Nazi gas-bag and the other is a dirigible.

    Godwin FTW!!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    There goes the neighborhood

    We can expect this site to be invaded by hissy Rush-bois any millisecond now. Damn.

    Regardless, this article explains far more than I wanted to know about Amurrica.

    Paris, because she's both lovely and harmless, unlike, well you know.

    1. Elmer Phud

      thumbs down

      There seem to be a few out and about - note some of the 'thumbs' down here and there.

      No actual fanbois - they haven't managed to get over the spluttering and coughing yet -- but they will all be noting down names and text to report to thier masters in due course.

      We are the enemy/enema.

    2. FuzzyTheBear

      maybe not !

      Since they're a bunch of mindless zombies they probably :

      a) never find the site because it's not a .com

      b) never try to find the site cause Rush told them not to do it .

      c) being mindless zombies the Great Vulture in the Sky ( /me bows to the Great Vulture )

      will protect us from their evil ways and keep their comments off this site.

      PS . when registering t the Register , wanna be vulture applicants should be asked whether they are Limbaugh fans, and all that answer yes be forever banned from the site and thrown to the vultures. err .. if we fed vultures with them , they would sue us for cruelty against animals

      Forget it , time for a few beers

      1. Oninoshiko


        I'm fairly sure also points to our favorie rag.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    EIB - broadcast on Breathe FM??

    You know breathe FM don't you??

    The station that broadcasts "Breathe in........ breath out..." most of the day, so RL's listeners don't forget and suffocate.

    Thin Americans?? I have seen a few on TV, but put it down to excellent CGI work !!!!

  7. Steve Evans


    I've never heard of Limbaugh, I can only assume he's an obscure fat headed moron.

    If he's the highest rated radio show, and Fox the highest rated TV, I'm starting to get very very scared... The fruit-loop from Alaska might actually get near something sharp and dangerous!

  8. Anonymous Coward


    for the heads-up on the big fat idiot situation.

  9. Affian


    Did someone try and go through all the comments and down vote them all? I find the vote spread rather odd in this article. That said I have never heard of Rush and I'm glad I never have to hear about him in any local media, I can think outside the box on my own thank you very much.

    1. Yamal Dodgy Data

      Votes from the Reg hating lobby

      @affian: "I find the vote spread rather odd in this article."

      It's all the Reg hating wikkifiddlers and eco-loons out in force clicking those thumbs down.

      It's even more odd how the visiting leftards agree with fat headed right wing shock jocks

  10. Anonymous Coward

    wonderful irony

    I love the idea that RL was the first to release that amazon was hosting wikileaks buy quoting someone who had released the information first! Fabulous leap of imagination there...

    Wonderful logic! I invented the mobile phone you know, it was my idea. Now how do I sure nokia/apple/sony erricson et al?

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    5.2 million unique geniuses

    ...and god knows how many indistinct morons.

  12. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

    I agree with Bill...

    ...Hicks on Rush. If you're a Hicks fan, you'll know what I mean. I won't copy&paste it here as it will probably get me modded, but you'll find it here:

  13. yeehaw....
    Black Helicopters

    Damn - now you've done it!

    I've been reading The Register a long time, a very long time.

    I listen to Rush on occasion.

    I've said some things here that *might* not be appreciated by some. Too bad.

    I own a Smb (five employees so emphasis on the S)

    I can barely keep the lights on after the Great Recession (over back in March or something, wasn't it?).

    And I've done my share of bitching about it.

    And now:

    Every damn Fed or equivalent Government Type will be watching us now!

    Yeah... think about that.

  14. Trollslayer


    Being disliked by that idiot is high praise indeed!

  15. yeehaw....


    In any discussion, the first person to call the other a nazi, loses.

    1. CD001


      Even if you were having a discussion with Hermann Göring?

      Of course you _may_ need a time machine first...

  16. stupormundi

    The Registrar,

    obscure? That's ridiculous, even I have heard of it.

  17. John Edwards
    Paris Hilton

    Paris Hilton

    You scribblers at El Reg are probably so dumb that you don't even know that Al Gore invented the internet. Wikileaks on Amazon servers? Just a lucky guess. Why Paris? 'Cos she's smart.

  18. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Dunno about thinking outside the box

    Still looking for the damn box.

  19. g e

    EIB means

    Excrement Instead of Brain

    Endomorphic Inveterate Bullshitter

  20. Martin Lyne

    Hands up

    Hands up if you hadn't heard of "EIB" before?

    *Puts hand up*

    You've got to appreciate the way he contradicts himself in that sentence though, you can give someone a lie with all the information to disprove it, right there, and they'll believe it anyway.

    This side of the pond we have the Daily Fail, which can easily contradict itself over the course of a week with substance X categorically proven to cure cancer, then a week later being proven to definitively cause cancer, and may even turn you into a job-stealing immigrant.

    Sometimes I despair, but to pretend these things don't happen would be indulging in the very same ignorance that brings me down..

  21. Anomalous Cowherd Silver badge

    Gear-head rag

    Better hope he doesn't misread that as rag-head gear, or you'll have 30,000 armed texans on your doorstep looking for Osama.

  22. AustinNerd

    Rush is an idiot

    I'm an American. I read The Register daily. Rush Limbaugh is a complete fool.

    1. LaeMing

      A complete fool

      who makes good money yanking peoples chains! Doesn't even have to do proper journalistic stuff like get facts (even slightly) straight.

      Seriously, I would have no problem doing his job if the money was offered to me.

  23. Alexander Vollmer

    Physical phenomenon

    Is it a coincidence or depends it on the force of a vacuum that the part of his head is bigger in the mouth area than in the brain area?

  24. r 18

    El Reg

    Wow, looks like the Reg is the Sandy Vaginas Club.

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    Who lit the vitriol lamp?

    Rush gives kudos to the Reg and how is he thanked? A childish rant from the bowels of the staff room, followed by a tsunami of bilge from the so-called "geniuses" who inhabit the pages of the Reg. I suspect the causes are typical geeky ignorance of real politics along with unhealthy doses of mind-deadening socialism spoon-fed over a lifetime. Tsk.

    Don't get me wrong tho, I peruse the Reg every day. The coverage to be found here is normally head and shoulders above other sources, but not today, alas.

    1. John H Woods


      "I suspect the causes are typical geeky ignorance of real politics along with unhealthy doses of mind-deadening socialism spoon-fed over a lifetime. "

      Wow - you're objecting to ad hominem attacks (on RL and his followers) with this?

      1. LaeMing

        And the Reg is based is Europe

        where Socialism isn't generally considered a smear word.

  26. Anonymous Coward

    Let's be fair

    They did win the war for us so they should be given some credit from time to time.

  27. Chas E. Erath

    If Rush says it is so...

    ...then Rush is right. After all is said and done - Rush is right, Rush is right, Rush is right. Always, always, always, right, right, right. When others say he's lying - even if he is - he is right. Always right. That's all that counts - that he is right. See?

  28. Neil 34

    Tune in and make up your own mind

    I was listening to Rush when he mentioned The Register. Taken in context, his comment was not derogatory.

    What we have happening here in America is re-education. Because of the internet, Rush, Fox News, Glenn Beck and hundreds of others, the general population is exposed to the "other side". For years, as you know, the media was dominated by liberals, but that is no longer the case. The goal of Rush, as the term EIB suggests, is education and it is working. Witness the past election. People's opinions formed under the assault of liberalism in the press and public education are being changed.

    If it keeps up we may be fortunate enough to elect Sarah Palin and a majority in congress with a tea party slant. Freedom and free markets ... now that's an environment for the pursuit of happiness.

    For those of you interested in hearing first hand, liberalism debunked, tune in to Rush onWABC-AM on the internet at 1800 UCT, Monday to Friday.

    Almost forgot … Ann Coulter, Ayn Rand. They're great too.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      OK, that's gotta be a mis-click

      Hit 'go' instead of 'troll'? Entirely possible.

      I can't imagine someone daft enough to (a) put Ann Coulter and Ayn Rand in the same sentence (they're both repulsive, but at least Rand was thoughtful), (b), suggest that the media, owned entirely by enormous conglomerates with usually-very-conservative boards, has or ever has had a left-wing bias, and (c) think that 're-education' is a term that should be used in a positive way.

      And even if one assumes all of that to be true, what seismic shift is it that transformed the media from liberal to conservative in two years, and how did Rush, Fox News, Glenn Beck, and hundreds of others have a huge effect in 2010, as stated, but fail utterly in 2008? They all had shows, they were all popular, they all existed, the media was owned by and largely staffed by the same people.... so what righteous tidal wave of freedom was it that altered all of that in the course of a few months?

      Not only that, I find it difficult to believe that any thinking conservative (and they are some, despite too-loud protesters here) would want Palin elected. You're talking about someone who doesn't think that people south of Alaska know how to go camping. Really, Sarah? Really?

      1. jake Silver badge

        @David W.

        "Not only that, I find it difficult to believe that any thinking conservative (and they are some, despite too-loud protesters here) would want Palin elected."

        Well, Barbara Bush herself (that'd be the Shrub's Mum for those of you too young to remember) said that Mrs. Palin should stay in Alaska.

        As for camping, remember when "camp" was something that boyscouts did with tents? Oh, you mean that's what Mrs. Palin meant? And here I thought she was talking modern political theater ...[3]

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Horns


    I wonder if Mr. Limbaugh needs an IT specialist.

  30. Donald Atkinson

    We don't all listen to RL

    I've been reading El Reg for, well I'm not sure but over a decade at a minimum. I don't keep up with the ramblings of Mr Limbaugh beyond what others point out. There seems to be a cottage industry built up around shooting down his stupidity. I see you've joined in on the fun. Enjoy.

    Anyway, the entire nation doesn't hang on the words of Rush, Beck & Hannity, there are still a few of us holding out in the hills.

    1. LaeMing

      The fact that the world is still here...

      ...indicates a good number of you don't listen to RL et. al.

  31. gimbal

    What he really meant, was probably more like...

    ..."Who was the first [out of all my favorite political opponents and more general gripe-targets]?"

    I would apologize for the fact that one might so need a decoder ring in order to decypher the "hidden" meanings of statements of that US opinion broadcaster, but - I must realize - I'm not responsible for his (oh so popular) brand of obsessiveness.

  32. Maty

    Actually ...

    *I* am the first to break the news about wikileaks on Amazon servers.

    But since I got my scoop from an obscure tech rag reporting on how an obscure radio hack got it from aforesaid tech rag, it seems only right that I should report it here first.

  33. Stuart Halliday

    5.2 million unique geniuses?


    Judging by the level of postings the Reg allows on their blogs, more like 5 million idiots with little or no interest in IT and an inability to use a keyboard shift key.

  34. RW

    @ Kevin Reader

    "The Moderatrix" is improper nomenclature. The correct term is "Our Divine Moderatrix", and you better believe it or the Moderatrix will get on your case big time.

    Note that when she does, outraged, anguished cries of "but I didn't know" will be to no avail. Ignorance is no excuse.

  35. Winkypop Silver badge

    Rush Limbaugh ?

    Oh, always thought it was a CHEESE !

    My bad, it's just some right-wing saddo.

  36. nyelvmark

    It's all evolution.

    I think this is all explained by Darwin in his "Theory of natural selection by survival of the fattest". Somebody told me that there's a misprint in my copy, but I can't find it.

    1. hplasm

      Explains the reluctance

      to teaching it in schools.

  37. Manu T

    re: an un-American gear-head rag read by no one

    as long as the register maintain to be "an un-American gear-head rag read by no one" it's fine by me.

    I like gear-head stuff :-)

    And lets be honest, El Reg does behave sometimes like "an elephant in a porcelain shop". Though it's sometimes funny as hell. I do understand that not everybody likes that to-the-point (or far off as much as possible) witty UK-humour. But then again I also liked Monty Python or blackadder (or even hi-de-hi for that matter).


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