back to article Fasthosts customers blindsided by emergency password reset

Fasthosts has announced that "a number" of its customers'* FTP spaces were raided as a result of the major hack that triggered a police investigation last month. It has applied a system-wide reset of thousands of passwords as a result. The Gloucester-based webhosting firm yesterday performed the emergency reset of control …


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  1. Kev K
    Thumb Up

    Alternate host

    I hated my time @ FH

    We now have a managed box in the states with

    24/7 manned phones - fantastic support - and with the $ being so far down the pan its almost like they are paying for me to host with them.

    Have a look and make your own mind up

  2. David Allamby


    DANGER. Ruining our businesses! Leave Fasthosts immediately!!!

    Took all day to speak to someone - would not help just said they would post password by ROYAL MAIL!!!!! Beggars belief for a web host!

    I have never seen such incompetence.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Fasthost Rock

    In the way that Northern Rock...!

    I'm a solo web developer hosting our small business site with FH + SQL database for postal addresses etc - obviously not doing much trading on Thursday night / Friday /saturday.

    First I knew about all this was a kindly customer (maybe they'll come back..) emailing with sever error thursday night 7.30pm.

    I had changed my FTP password previously and had access to Control Panel. FTP came back later Thursday night, SQL down. Call centre (1.5hrs) told me to change the SQL password via the panel -

    Also given a reason ~'we couldn't inform people about the mass password scramble beforehand otherwise the baddies would have been alerted' . .

    Then I realise why I didn't change the SQL password, it's not accessible in my control panel as it was associated with a windows package that I had to change to Linux as FH didn't support Perl DBI properly under Windows Server- but that's another protracted story...blast!

    Rang back, eventually get through at midnight Thursday and then told no engineers were there that could trace my SQL database and hook it to my account.

    So what are Fasthosts thinking?! They have the biggest cock up in their history and they don't even get all the technical people they can in to man the datacenter? It's beyond belief.

    Remember the original email was:

    "We therefore recommend, as a precaution, that you now change the following passwords on your account:"

    "Recommend!" - not mandate etc.

    The only thing they will take notice of is people leaving so it's time to look for something better.

    Shame, as they were a lot better than previous hosts, if you can believe that!

    It's affecting our little business and my stress levels, I really feel for you guys that develop for clients hosted on FH - I guess you are moving data across to other hosts etc as quick as possible...

    Good luck all.

  4. Vince
    IT Angle

    Running Costs vs True Value of Service.

    While I understand you pay Fasthosts and expect a certain level of service, last I looked they offered insane deals of unlimited bandwidth, the moon on a stick etc for £4 a month.

    It's clearly logical that if you're spending £4.00 a month on hosting, but have an e-commerce site generating £10,000+ a month of revenue, that the expenses asociated with running the site is just too small a proportion and asking for trouble.

    You get exactly what you pay for - if you must penny pinch your business shop-front, then you must expect to have it boarded up regularly when things go wrong. The obvious move is to research providers, and find someone who offers a good level of service for a realistic price.

    People who go mad because the bargain basement service they have doesn't have the same level of security, reliability and after-sales approach (not to mention crisis management skills) effectively decided that running cost was more important than those factors, so it's hardly worth crying foul when you get just what you paid for.

  5. Jason

    I can still login?

    I can still login into my UKreg account where we register domains, no problems at all. I changed the password back in October as soon as I saw the article on el reg, but I'm thoroughly confused, have they missed my account?

    Im damn glad we're moving our registrations to another company in the next week or so, I'm fed up with being worried that all 1200 domains we have with fasthosts are gonna go missing.

    Thank god that we own our own servers and so only need to rely on a transit provider to keep them online.

    As a note to everyone out there, we also have 2 transit providers, so if the primary goes down (like builders cutting the cable, wankers), we can still keep functioning with no more than 20 mins downtime whilst the DNS systems flip over.

    You know what that's called? Redundancy, you should try it sometime, it's great, means that I can go out there, unplug 100 cables, and everything still keeps on running :D Don't rely on fasthosts, if you want a job doing properly, do it yourself!

  6. Sylvia


    They managed to grab my resellers fee, several days early, this morning, just as I was looking at all the less expensive options elsewhere. I'm another one of those who DID change all the passwords only to have a customer ring up yesterday to ask why his database wasn't working.

    I'm with everyone who mentioned class action, unless Fasthosts intends to offer compensation for the time, effort and embarassment.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just 'a few' customers? I don't think so...

    The queue length is currently in the 50's, the waiting time over three hours. This has been the case for 2 and a half days, and constantly over 24 hours.

    If Fasthosts are dealing with calls at 2 minutes per call, and there is a constant queue, and with a minimum of 2 support people answering calls, that makes 3600 calls in total. If there are more support people on site then the problem is larger.

    I am guessing many people have been put off by the holding system, or are just waiting for the letter. So just *how many* accounts are affected. It doesn't look like it's a "small number" at all.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I am just writing this in the hope that it may make me feel a bit better!

    The same story as so many others: Website down without warning. OK, I forgot to change the passwords, but why wasn't an email sent out a day or two - or even an hour - before? Sorry - irrelevant. It seems from this forum that many who had changed the passwords were reset as well. Also, why are they being posted out? It is possibly less secure than emailing the registered controller, and certainly a lot slower.

    Why no information on their website about this issue? It appears that everything is great - the best company possible, looking after their customers. Tried for three hours yesterday to telephone them, gave up and emailed. Response promised within 24 hours (had to resend with the account information). 28 hours later I have had three responses. Exactly the same email (3 times) that was sent yesterday.

    This must surely be the end of Fasthosts - no hosting company can survive this. It is gross incompetence and pathetic lack of common sense, and I can't imagine many staying with them. I certainly won't be, and I am sure that there are quite a number whose income depends on their website who will, hopefully, be taking legal action. I have cancelled my card, and if they want to take me to court, let them.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Post or Email?

    Given that Fasthosts recommend new customers to register their account using an email address that will not be hosted on Fasthosts servers, why have they chosen to send passwords to account holders by post?

    Security details for the account email addresses are not stored on their servers, so why not just send the bulk by email? Surely, it would be a simple programmatic matter to check if the email address is hosted locally.

  10. Gaz
    Thumb Down

    Bye bye Fasthosts

    I pissed off - i change my password when they notified me - now they change them again and lock me out whilst I wait for the letter...

    I'm moving hosts in January when my 12months ends.

  11. Dave
    Thumb Down

    0870 bonanza

    Tried calling customer services earlier. Bad idea. 60 people in que in front of me. Hang up, me thinks. Great way of making money with these 0870 numbers.

  12. Alex Wood

    Emailing clients direct

    I've also had a number of cases of clients being emailed direct by Fasthosts. As a reseller i'd expect Fasthosts to only contact us as we'd like to be the ones to manage our clients reactions, not have them feeling like they have to contact Fasthosts direct. A complete shambles all round..

  13. Alasdair

    Worth staying on the phone?

    I tried getting through last night but gave up after I saw my skype credit disappearing the queue number staying the same (45 mins)

    I've seen above that they may actually fax you your password - was this a one-off case or has anyone else actually managed to get the control panel password rather than wait for this letter, that means another day lost tomorrow.

    Did anyone actually receive a letter yesterday? I'm thinking if I don't phone up and sort this I may not even see one for a whole week. Especially if Fasthosts are involved in sending the letters out... over 100,000 accounts? 2 people on support? Hmmm....

  14. Anonymous Coward

    An appaling lack of communication,

    This is typical FH customer service and support!

    Recently they withdraw their Reseller forum with no warning or word of when or even if the service will be resumed.

    As a Reseller I am very concerned over their level of competence, integrity and lack of open and honest dialog!

  15. Кевин

    They just did it for the call revenue....

    .. or at least that's what I've gathered from some of the above comments. It amazes me that anybody would plop down any kind of "business critical" website on a hosting provider which will sell you space and bandwidth for less than a cheap bottle of Tesco Value Plonk. What did you expect? You might as well be hosting your company off of an AOL account (and using their web space).

    As for there not being enough warning, I feel as somebody with a fairly good grasp of the English language the term "EMERGENCY" usually indicates the reasoning behind it.

    As for me I can wait for the letter to come in the post so I can log in and renew my two expiring domains (which are both mission critical, expiring tonight at 22.59 and will cause 18 children to become orphans in south Lincoln).

  16. Ged

    Kept in the dark

    I had a client approach me about the original email sent out by FH. It sure looked dubious. Client attempted to change passwords but none would save - eventually client became an aggravated client and gave up.

    Same client informed me of the latest email and the password fiasco (I am not a Register regular, so missed out on a lot of stuff).

    I checked my own emails and only this afternoon have I received an email from FH stating they would be removing passwords. I had no warning at all.

    Luckily I have closed a hosting account and moved it elsewhere, but it's still an issue for some email accounts.This is not good.

    I will be moving all of my accounts including my clients elsewhere, once I have access to them.

    Not a happy teddy.

  17. PH
    Thumb Down

    FH even screwed up with my NEW passwords!

    Yesterday, 30 November 2007 at 00:43 I noticed none of my company's Farcehosts email login passwords were working. This is despite us changing them as instructed AFTER the FH security breach. But then after about half an hour all the passwords "magically" started working again. No notification - shame I was trying to work at the time.

    FH might claim to be "The UK's number 1 web host" but they must surely be haemorrhaging customers after so many schoolboy errors. Certainly, I've started looking around in earnest for an alternative host.

  18. Anonymous Coward

    Zero7 anyone?

    6.30am Sunday. Only 10 in the queue! 30 mins later at number 6, add it to the 3hrs since Thursday....gave up on saturday...will they have a Techie who can actually sort the problem when I get through? Doubt it.

    And to think I used to love Zero7...

  19. Anonymous Coward

    30 mins for 1 position

    Now 1hr and moved 1 position to 5. Can't waste anymore of my weekend, kids are loosing the plot with me wandering around with a phone!

    Paypal checkout reinstated - removing need for SQL database. That will do for now.

    Search on for new provider. My work colleague recommends NetHosted?

  20. Stuart Elliott

    Timing is everything...

    This just arrived in my mailbox this morning...

    Dear Stuart,

    The following debit/credit card registered on your Fasthosts account (XXXXXX) is about to expire:


    Card number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX


    To ensure that your account continues to run properly, please update your card details using your control panel as soon as possible.


    Step 1: Log in at (rofl)

    Guess who's upset that they won't be able to get anymore money off me...?

  21. Muddy Boots
    Thumb Down

    FASTHOSTS? Not very fast at all

    I am most displeased with Fasthosts over all this password nonsense. I have finally got the passwords sorted out, but I have one website that is way out of date now and I can't update it.

    The reason being is that I cannot access my ftp site on ANY of my sites hosted by Fasthosts. Other wb hosts are OK. I've tried and tried phoning Fasthosts, but I am always at queue position 50+ and have even been as high as 83!.

    I've sent emails to Support regarding this problem, but have only had an auto response from them. This sort of response makes me wonder whether Fasthosts are in some sort of administration trouble and whether I ought to change host. I also wonder how many other customers are experiencing the same

  22. Muddy Boots

    Re; Timing is everything ...

    Lucky you, Stuart. I've just updated my acrd and account before all this blew up.

  23. Warren Jones


    I did change all the passwords FH still reset them all.

    Actually got a phone call from Sales after sending them an email about a question for a reseller package. To my amazement they actually phoned me but where stunned that I was already a customer. Debatable now!!

    They gave me a password over the phone no confirmation who I was or account number. ***king amazing. Another security breach!!

    GUESS what the password doesn't work and I still cant get to my web sites. Ahhhh

    Recommend cancelling Credit Card which is associated with them. Due to the fact the security breach isn't fixed, they send letters to unverified addresses, they gave me a password over the phone without authentication. Plus they havent even attempted to send an email stating that they will not be charging us a few months service because of the trouble they have caused.

    Just leave these bunch of ****s

    Move once you get access.

  24. James Hyatt

    Passwords not reset on Fasthost account

    A client hosts with Fasthosts and the password was reset when first advised over a month ago. I was also rang by fast hosts in Australia as they had flagged the site as being e-commerce based.

    The password for SQL and FTP was changed and the site is still currently working, is everybody sure they reset their passwords when asked?

    As for other hosts, I currenly use Media Temple's Grid Server for new hosting after Fasthosts cocked up for other a week on a support question regarding why mod-rewrite wouldn't work..after a weeek of the site being offline and no answer from them as to the problem (it was constantly moved between people at their support), they finally came up with the problem that they don't support both SSL and Mod-Rewrite.

    By this time we had moved to Media Temple and have had no problems since.

    One other issue, if I am not wrong you are given the option when you create SQL databases with Fasthosts to choose the password. I wonder how many people used a password they use for much of their online presence and therefore if the hackers were given access to email data along with plain passwords it makes you wonder if they are able to gain access to services unrelated to Fasthosts?

  25. Mark

    Don't choose FastHosts

    We have over 100 sites with FastHosts and we hate them.

    Since the point of no return, where we had too many sites to move, we have felt like prisoners.

    Their servers are periodically awful and they never accept any responsibility for the poor performance, even when it lasts for months. Almost everything about them fails at one time or another and they wear you down, with idiotic support, until you give up complaining.

    As shown by this mess, they regard every customers as of little value and you can take it or leave it.

    Don't be tempted by their reasonable prices, as they will cost you your sanity and business, in the long run.

    We are desperate for an easy way to leave them and won't touch 1and1 by their shared ownership.

  26. Anonymous Coward

    Complete Joke

    We changed all our passwords & asked our customers to do the same back when the first breach came to light.

    Our phone hasn't stopped ringing with our own customers asking what is going on & we cannot help most of them till RM deliver a letter with our MASTER PASSWORD & I bet it hasn't randomly generated either

    We have access to the Control Panel & managed to reset all our FTP passwords but database & stats are inaccessible.

    We are looking to move all 300 websites & domains over to Heart Internet run by the guys behind 123-reg & WebFusion before they sold it.

    Fasthosts system status:

    Open: Control Panel / Database access

    Customers may find they are unable to log into their control panels, or access their databases. All customers affected will be emailed shortly with further information and instructions. We apologise if you have not received this email yet and thank you for your patience. If you have your control panel access password you should change the database access passwords for any database connections that are failing. You will also need to update your website code with the database password you have set.

  27. andrea menon

    just ask for damages !

    I've just written to Internet United to complain and to remark they've managing a dead walking brand. I don't care of Police excuses, they are doing bigfoot policy for customer relationship. Why don't they ask for cutting off the whole Internet without notice?

    If someone is interested (I see someone is) in asking for damages just step on,

    write to the owners you too.

    we'll do a legal action.

  28. Muddy Boots

    Oh dear!

    As only a small user of FH, I do sympathise with you guys who have multiple accounts. I only have 3 accounts, but inherited a 4th from an association I am a member of and they are fuming! I Passed a link to here and it seems like the committee believe me and are now going to discuss about leaving FH.

    I think that FH may have to start looking for many more customers to be the #1 web host in the UK.

  29. Anonymous Coward

    Public aware?

    Is this the only site where this is being discussed? Have Fasthosts "got away with it" publicity-wise?

  30. Vic Johnston

    Already left a sinking ship

    After the last fiasco, I took my 300+ domains and moved them away. It was a huge undertaking, monumental amounts of work involved, which I am so glad I undertook now as this weekend I have not had to apologise to each and every one of my customers and explain to them once again how to change all of their passwords. I am with 1 & 1 using dedicated servers (don't touch the shared hosting), and we are OK (never want to tempt fate). To you guys saying how you will move, and to the guy think 100 domains is a lot to shift, to the guys talking of moving, move, you will be glad you did, to the guy with 100 domains, move, you will be glad you did, it will save you a lot of ball ache in the future, and to be honest, even without all of these fiascos, fasthosts really is quite crap all of the time with slow conenctions, poor technical support and no interest in their customers. We have spent more than £15,000 with fasthosts during our time with them, and we were treated completely unsympathetically. We were told that we should change passwords as a matter of course, and that they were essentially doing us a favour with the last fiasco, and then that we should bear the cost of doing all of this and include this in our costs as a reseller. Well I have left, and I am glad that I did not lose this weekend out of my life, and instead managed to have a few beers, see some friends, get to the cinema, play at home on the Xbox, spend some time with my family, and even find the time to type out this message and check in on your poor long suffering fools still with Fasthosts. Take my advice, no matter how much work is involved in leaving, it will be worth it (if you go the right place). Good luck to you all

  31. yeah, right.

    profit centre

    I can just see it now:

    Fasthost Accounting: oh look, our quarter looks like it might be a bit slow this year, we need to boost income before the end of the year...

    Fasthost Manager: Let's chop off access to our customers and force them to call a pay-per-minute phone line to get things fixed. That should boost profits a bit.

    I'm betting Fasthost has a really good quarter ending in December, probably thanks to a sudden increase in support phone calls and people willing to wait hours in order to stay in business.

    Lovely company. I'm so glad I'm not their customer. Nor will I ever be.

  32. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    It can only get worse... the Postie delivers (yeah, right) everyone's passwords on Monday. Fasthosts customer sites grind to a halt as we log in, change passwords, commence site downloads for safety and in preparation for the move...

    I wonder how many of our customers we will never see again as they have been forced to find alternatives? A few less than Fasthosts methinks.

    Just about to sign up with a US site, AdvancedNetworkHosts. Anyone had experience of US-hosted sites?

  33. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Anyone got their new passwords yet?

    .. or will this be another example of someting being "in the mail", yet never arrives.

  34. John Rudolf

    Bl**dy HELL!

    Monday morning, post has arrived - password has NOT! As it happens, I'm driving up to Cheltenham tomorrow. Fasthosts are in Gloucester are they not? Assuming (can anyone confirm this?) their support team is located there, I shall be making a personal visit to get my password issues resolved. I will be taking my video camera with me and if I get a sniff of anything other than "certainly Sir, we apologise for the inconvenience. Your new passwords are xxxx." then my next stop will be to BBC Gloucester. FASTHOSTS, if you are reading this then please email me all my passwords now, to save me the additional trip. Again, please, for the love of God, email me my passwords...

    One of our domains, currently down thanks to you, is With around a thousand angry members...

  35. Bruce Hatton

    Send them a bill!

    I just sent them an invoice for the work involved in changing all the passwords - be interesting to see what their reply is!

  36. Ivor griffiths

    No warning

    I never received an email. All my sites are off now. I had a similar problem with FTP from donhosts, moved to Dotster and they got hacked. This is a systematic attack. The UK security service MI5 has issued a warning to all major UK business to be on the look out for Chinese hacker attacks. Shutting down all the hosting companies is a pretty gpood way of shutting down the Internet.

  37. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    No passwords today

    Post has arrived, no passwords included.

    Oh, and look at this:

  38. Mark
    Thumb Down

    Get the word out

    Get the word out...

    Lots of news and forum sites have been very pedestrian, in their reporting of this incident.

    Get it out to every 'news comments area' and 'Forum'.

    If it saves one UK business it will be worth it, because they are damaging the whole country by their poor performance and attitude.

  39. Anonymous Coward

    This made me chuckle...

    Someone with too much time on their hands while their sites are down?

  40. Daniel


    Perhaps it was the hackers that changed all the passwords?

    I moved from "", because there service was really bad. Help manuals were all out of date. They wouldnt even allow a MySQLi to be activated (removing the comment out on one line). Their Control panel was worse than etch'a'sketch.

    I only went to FH in july, and I'm wondering if I can get off of the ship already.

    Then hosting at FH seems like a bad option, costs alot for what I thought I was getting, and then gets hacked.

  41. Anonymous Coward

    New Fasthosts Resellers Forum

    If your a reseller this should interest you... I just hope the forum not hosted on Fasthosts! ;)

  42. Smell My Finger

    Happy Meal Web Sites

    You're paying £3.99 a month for a web site. You're paying barely a pound more than a McDonald's Happy Meal. If you buy a decent broadsheet newspaper everyday that's £30 a month. Anyone paying so little for a business web site clearly isn't serious about business at all. Decent 1U servers start at £1200 and then you have to add data centre costs, power, networking, software, etc. This only makes sense through both box stuffing and absolutely penny-pinching on every expense. Web hosting at this price is simply not economically viable. Pay up or piss off.

  43. Neil Sparky93

    they didnt change mine

    As subj, I just logged in to my FH on my old password. None have been changed by them. How odd.

  44. MiNiX
    Thumb Down

    Adios, Fasthosts!

    My websites are offline since last Thursday, their customer care doesn't reply to my emails and I haven't received their Royal mails (here in Italy) with new passwords. I think it's an unacceptable and unilateral choice of Fasthosts, that made all my users hangry with me! I can't wait for their new passwords, so I will go away from their unsecure server and bad services as soon as possible!

    I can't pay for their lack of service and security!

    I am absolutely disappointed. I am sure that the letter of my legals will reach Slow&HackedHosts before than their passwords!

  45. Simon

    My passwords

    Some of my FTP password are still working, however maybe not for much longer, see

  46. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Who is this person who knows how much we are paying?

    I pay £17.99 per month for what they call "business hosting" which as far as I can tell is normal hosting plus SQL Server. Now, I wouldn't run a rail network on it, but I would have thought that it was reasonable for people to expect be able to run their small businesses without someone pulling this stunt.

    I run a forum and online game on mine. I'm not losing any money, but I'm sure as heck not keeping my site members happy. I think the other complainants and myself have every right to have a good whinge.

    I think FH have let Smelly Fingers take a 5 minute lunch break - back to work mate!

  47. Anonymous Coward

    Royal Mail Anyone?

    Has anyone received their passwords today? Is it just another attempt to fob us off?

    Tried calling all the numbers a short while ago, constantly engaged so can't even get into a 'queue'. Probably quicker if I drive up there from Basingstoke.

    I can't beleive that someone 'in-charge' hasn't come forward with an apology or a more understandable explanation which necessitaed this course of action...

  48. adam
    Thumb Down

    i'll be off then

    I am an apoplectic reseller who will be moving all of my domains to another host as soon as christmas is done with.

    I was just in the middle of transferring a customer's website to fasthosts so I could upload the new website I've written for them when I lost all ability to touch any of my domains. Additionally, since my db password has been reset, my existing websites that utilize my dbs are all broken. I can't do anything about any of this until i receive my new login password. The mail has just come (it is now Monday) and there was no sign of this password and their customer support number is STILL unavailable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I do not take kindly to being made to look a fool in front of my customers. I am considering taking legal advice.

  49. Anonymous Coward

    Would be great if...

    the address on my fasthosts account is out of date, so now anyone can access my sites if they have the password which i didn't ask to have sent via Royal Mail... maybe they could

    On an aside, I hope that Fasthosts are aware that they must be facing a series of claims for business interruption, as they have, without reason, other than caused by their own incompetence, require me to change all the passwords and notify all my clients at my expense.

    Why don't Fasthosts just come clean and say what happened, my guess is an internal security breach, and try and sort out their lives.

    I am slightly bitter as i was unable to renew my corporate domain name because it wasn't in their system even though it was on their registrar details, and a cybersquatter grabbed it before the call centre staff could work out what was going on.

    oh well, at least i have the .net.


  50. Muddy Boots

    Getting annoyed now

    Well, like nearly everyone else, no mail from Farcehosts. They did phone my back with a password for one site and told me the old one should still be working. They were! I said ... were! Not anymore.

    I used and got alternative numbers and tried all suggestions and ALL were engaged..

    That's it! I thought I'd change hosts and phoned Freezone, where I have another site and they said I'd have to get the Tags from Farcehosts or where my domains are registered. Hah!!! You've guessed it. UKReg is owned by Farcehosts, so I tried THIER numbers and guess what? They're all engaged too.

    Hackers? Don't know about you, but something doesn't smell quite right to me. You'd think that they would put something up online explaining what the hell is going on here, or maybe they are still waiting for the Postie to bring the new password


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