He needs to be made an example of for potential future whistle-blowers, and brits are just doing what they have been told. Nothing new to see here.
Assange should be furloughed from Belmarsh prison, says human rights org. Here's a thought: He could stay with friends!
The son of British fashion designer Vivienne Westwood wants accused US government hacker Julian Assange "furloughed" from Belmarsh prison in southeast London, UK. The apparently serious suggestion was made by human rights charity Humanade, of which Joseph Corré is a trustee. Corré, Westwood's son by the late Sex Pistols …
Wednesday 29th April 2020 10:17 GMT Doctor Syntax
Re: time marches on
The greatest threat to Assange seems to be Assange. If he hadn't skipped from Sweden he could have served whatever time he was due there and then moved on to wherever would be prepared to take him.
Instead, although there wasn't even a US extradition warrant against him, under the pretext of avoiding extradition to the US he fled to the UK where it would have been much easier for him to have been extradited to the US if they'd asked - which they hadn't. So he then took the extraordinary step of skipping bail, to the detriment of those who'd supported him with bail and hiding in an embassy from which there was no chance of escape without being rearrested. He stated there until (a) there was a US extradition warrant and (b) the Swedish process (which still had first dibbs on him) was pretty well exhausted.
Wednesday 29th April 2020 14:07 GMT LucreLout
Re: time marches on
The greatest threat to Assange seems to be Assange.
It always has been.
When Assange leaves prison, the only debate is where the plane goes - Australia, or America. I can't see any way that he won't get extradited after all the sticking his fingers up at the country. Frankly, as long as the plane takes off, I really don't mind where it goes.
This country must not become a safe haven for alleged rapists trying to flee the law. That the left get their pants in such a twist of Trump while at the same time completely ignoring Assanges behavior will become a textbook example for studies of cognitive dissonance in the year to come.
Thursday 30th April 2020 15:06 GMT Man inna barrel
Julian Assange is just another prisoner
There are plenty of prisoners who should be given priority when it comes to early release on license, in order to mitigate the effects of a Covid-19 outbreak in prisons. There is a sizeable elderly population in prison, and there are many prisoners with bad health, who would be more at risk from Covid-19. I do not see Julian Assange fitting into these categories. Also, his previous behaviour indicates that he is likely to try to escape justice if released from prison, which would be a no-no for any consideration of early release, I believe.