back to article Will Asimov fix my doorbell? There should be a law about this

Greetings from civilisation, for one more day at least. After tonight, I will no longer be a European citizen but an immigrant of indeterminate status. Don't worry, this won't be a Brexit diatribe. I resigned myself to belonging to a pariah nation long ago, a realisation born from half a lifetime's accumulation of World Cup …


          1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

            Re: 3 laws for AI

            He imagined it ... and made sure it wouldn't happen in his universe.

          2. J.G.Harston Silver badge

            Re: 3 laws for AI

            I'm sure I read an Asmiov story where military chaps were concerned at the esalating costs of robot attack craft being destroyed, they tasked engineers with making the craft simple enough for "cheap" humans to pilot.

            1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

              Re: 3 laws for AI

              Won't be long now before the bean counters at the MOD follow suit with respect to the Watchkeeper Drone

            2. David L Webb

              Re: 3 laws for AI

              Asimov's "The Feeling of Power" where the rediscovery of how humans can perform mental arithmetic which had been lost due to the reliance on computers leads the military to the idea of manned missiles



              "And I see something even beyond this. It may be fantastic now, a mere dream; but in the future I see the manned missile!"

              There was an instant murmur from the audience. The general drove on. "At the present time, our chief bottleneck is the fact that missiles are limited in intelligence. The computer controlling them can only be so large, and for that reason they can meet the changing nature of anti-missile defences in an unsatisfactory way. Few missiles, if any, accomplish their goal and missle warfare is coming to a dead end; for the enemy, fortunately, as well as for ourselves.

              "On the other hand, a missile with a man or two within, controlling flight by graphitics, would be lighter, more mobile, more intelligent. It would give us a lead that might well mean the margin of victory. Besides which, gentlemen, the exigencies of war compel us to remember one thing. A man is much more dispensable than a computer. Manned missiles could be launched in numbers and under circumstances that no good general would care to undertake as far as computer-directed missiles are concerned"


              1. Rol

                Re: 3 laws for AI

                Stick a pigeon in there.

          3. doublelayer Silver badge

            Re: 3 laws for AI

            It's also worth keeping in mind the various risks of such an absolute law. A robot using these laws and intelligent enough to know these things would probably refuse to do most things on the basis that it wants to dedicate itself to preventing harm to humans, and if it isn't doing so, it is by inaction allowing them to come to harm. That would probably be a good thing for a while, but after about a week of this, the manufacturers would realize the problems in the business model of making robots who can and do decide to abandon their original tasks and try to form a volunteer harm-reduction squad. And that's only if you can find a perfect way of implementing these laws in software or hardware, if you have very clear definitions of "harm", and if the robots are capable of making the connections between possible actions and probable results. If you don't obtain perfection in any of those aspects, you have many more problems.

      1. alisonken1

        Re: 3 laws for AI

        And don't forget RoboCop's Directive 4:

        "Thou shalt not touch a Corporate Executive"

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: 3 laws for AI

      AIs will do whatever their masters direct them to do;... .... alain williams

      That has AI masters ruling both the physical and geopolitical landscapes, ..... or destroying them both as the case can so easily be.

      And that extraordinarily renders them heap powerful medicine, kemosabe. Or renders it so, depending on you understanding and gender choice preference for dealing with AI.

    2. Clunking Fist

      Re: 3 laws for AI

      That piece by an FT columnist was worth a look... if you wanted to see someone on an average salary demonstrate how they are, ITHO, superior to a successful multi billionaire. Painful and sad. Every profession has its jargon, why should management be any different.

  1. macjules

    Quite Right

    We don't need no French expert telling us how to manage artificial intelligence. We have enough of our own artificial intelligence. We need an expert to tell us how to manage genuine intelligence.

    1. A K Stiles

      Re: Quite Right

      First you have to find some genuine intelligence...

      1. macjules

        Re: Quite Right

        ... because there's bugger all down here on Earth.

      2. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Quite Right

        I'm here, but I'm only visiting.

  2. Ordinary Donkey

    How to dispose of the rubber duck depends on whether it is actually made of rubber or of soft plastic. If in doubt stop by your regional recycling center.

    If it's one of those rigid plastic abominations then you're out of luck I'm afraid.

    1. Venerable and Fragrant Wind of Change

      Is rubber duck a euphemism, or rhyming slang?

      Would you rubber-duck an ordinary donkey, or would the ass need to be special?

    2. SVV

      Why are you assuming it's a rubber duck? Not that I'm suggesting that flushing live ducks down the toilet on the train is the sort of thing that might happen in rural France or anything...........

      However if it is meant to be une canard artificiel, it may be suggesting that the "bathroom" is not really intended for bathing.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "Not that I'm suggesting that flushing live ducks down the toilet on the train is the sort of thing that might happen in rural France or anything"

        "France to ban shredding of live male chicks"

        1. TRT Silver badge

          Cor blimey! Flush a duck.

          1. FrogsAndChips Silver badge

            Fetchez la vache!

        2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

          Leaves on the line

          LeavesNumber 2s on the line in the UK, until 2023

          Still, best not try dispose a rubber duck...

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "If it's one of those rigid plastic abominations then you're out of luck I'm afraid."

      Our UK council "tip" centre has a large skip marked for "Rigid Plastic".

      1. Ordinary Donkey

        Then I guess taking it back to the UK is always an option.

      2. DavCrav

        "Our UK council "tip" centre has a large skip marked for "Rigid Plastic"."

        And that means they recycle it why exactly?

  3. TRT Silver badge

    Ninja apple cores. Who'd have thought?!

    1. My other car WAS an IAV Stryker

      I had to go back and look again. Then it hit me --->

  4. Franco

    All this talk of Rubber Ducks has made me want to re-watch Convoy.

    1. My other car WAS an IAV Stryker
      Thumb Up

      10-4, good buddy.

      (I've never seen the movie, but I know the song well. I'm a fan of Chip Davis and his "band" that arose from those early works. A little search tells me Davis scored the movie also; maybe I should watch it.)

      1. Trygve Henriksen

        You haven't seen the movie?

        Good luck the weekend's here, then.

        1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

          Sir. May I remind you that you have now been in that bathroom for over three years?

          Ah well I wouldn’t overstress that angle you know, I mean one’s never alone with a rubber duck…

          Rather truncated from Fit The Sixth.

  5. Manolo

    You are confusing EU with Europe

    "After tonight, I will no longer be a European citizen"

    Actually, you will. You will no longer be an EU citizen.

    It's the same confusion that causes the pro-EU camp to call the critics of the EU "europhobes".

    I am not afraid of Europe, I deeply love Europe (including the UK).

    And because I love Europe so much, I want a better EU.

    And it is concerning that even the departure of the UK does not cause alarm in Brussels and makes them consider listening and changing.

    1. TRT Silver badge

      Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

      In the looser sense of the word, meaning "inhabitant" rather than the current stricter use of the word, meaning a legally recognised subject of a nation, state or commonwealth.

    2. GrahamRJ

      Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

      If the reason for the departure of the UK was due to actual EU policies, that would have some relevance.

      BoJo, and others from the Murdoch/Barclay press (let's be fair), have spent the last 20-30 years publishing outright lies about the EU though. Various anti-EU Conservatives have repeated those. Not too unreasonably, a lot of people think those lies are true because they're published in national newspapers.

      As for a "better EU", it's important to remember that the EU, in its autocratic style, had the indignity to impose equal rights for older people, equal rights for gay people, equal rights for non-white people, equal rights for non-Christian people, equal rights for Christian people (in NI), equal rights for men to parental responsibility, equal rights for men to parental leave, equal rights for women pensioners, a national minimum wage... and I think I'll stop there. As those radical concepts (if you can describe "treat people properly" as that) were introduced, every Conservative party in government or opposition attempted to derail every single one. Several were opposed by the Blair/Brown governments too. The EU imposed them on the country, in direct opposition from the UK governments, because the EU considered them to be the correct thing to do. So which of those do you think shouldn't have happened? Which of those groups do you think should not have human rights?

      Holocaust Remembrance Day was the other week, and one of the key peints was that people should learn how to prevent it happening again. The EU is, directly, a force to stop that happening again, because "other countries should not meddle in our internal affairs" leads *directly* to Kristallnacht, ghettos and gas chambers. It really is that simple - and the horrific part is that it's already started.

      1. Manolo

        Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

        As far as I know, equal rights are guaranteed in national constitutions. No EU needed for that.

        " because "other countries should not meddle in our internal affairs" leads *directly* to Kristallnacht, ghettos and gas chambers. "

        Yes, I remember all the gas chambers I saw on my holidays in Iceland and Switzerland, and I hear Norway is terrible too.

      2. dnbattley

        Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

        Isn't it ironic that Kristallnacht, ghettos, and gas chambers are all etymologically or factually European in origin?

        1. FrogsAndChips Silver badge

          Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

          And why do you think the project of European construction started right after WW2?

          1. Criggie

            Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

            ...because there was a lot of open space in city centers, just needed rubble cleared away ?

        2. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

          Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

          Yes, it's like rain on your wedding day.

        3. A.P. Veening Silver badge

          Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

          But concentration camps are a British invention (sometime around 1900 in southern Africa, you may have heard of the Boer Wars), they were only perfected by the Germans.

          1. Stoneshop

            Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

            But concentration camps are a British invention

            Nope. Cuban, actually. Tried out by General Valeriano Weyler in an attempt to stop guerrilleros mixing with non-combatants, and considered so successful that General Roberts deployed that tactic in the Boer wars a couple of years later.

            1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

              Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

              Thanks, didn't know that yet.

              1. Stoneshop

                Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

                Should have mentioned that Cuba was a Spanish colony at the time.

                (insert inquisition joke here)

          2. Tom 7

            Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

            No - concentration camps as used in the Boer War were brought over from the US by a soldier who had served during the Trail of Tears where 60,000 native Americans were ethnically cleansed from their homelands to the west. For some reason the US have pushed to get it called a British invention.

    3. Spanners Silver badge

      Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

      It's the same confusion that causes the pro-EU camp to call the critics of the EU "europhobes".

      They were called that in some parts of the media but I mentally file them under "xenophobes".

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

        Yes, because those that dislike the EU's wasteful bureaucracy and corruption are all racists who hate foreigners.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

          No, they are cognitive dissonance sufferers who haven't noticed how much smaller is the EU bureaucracy than the equivalent staffs of all the member countries that it replaced, and how much it has actually reduced corruption.

          There are plenty of ERGites that wanted out because of (a) the new opportunities for profitable corruption and (b) the creation of new Civil Service posts into which their friends and relatives can be catapulted. One imagines Private Eye will be reporting on it soon.

          1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

            Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

            equivalent staffs of all the member countries that it replaced

            It didn't replace them, it just added a layer or managers above them. It makes the rules, those underlying staffs implement them. That's why we have so many.

      2. Manolo

        Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

        I really, really do not understand the mental gymnastics that lead from "Here is someone who wants an EU with more transparency and democracy (even proponents of the EU acknowledge the EU has a democratic deficit) and oh, I don't know, a budget that gets approved by the Auditing Committee for a change" to "Therefore, clearly, this person must be a racist who hates foreigners."

        (I must have been so afraid at my wedding, with twelve nationalities present)

        And you know what, I even think it is this attitude that caused Brexit to happen.

        1. holmegm

          Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

          "And you know what, I even think it is this attitude that caused Brexit to happen."

          Pretty much. You can only be called a racist so many times before you want the caller to shut up and leave you alone.

    4. whileI'mhere

      Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

      "And because I love Europe so much, I want a better EU."

      So on balance it would probably have been better to remain and work harder to change it for the better. Leaving it is certainly not going to enable whatever flavour of 'better' you think it ought to be.

      1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

        Re: You are confusing EU with Europe

        So on balance it would probably have been better to remain and work harder to change it for the better.

        I think 25 years of trying showed that that's never going to happen.


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