back to article Imagine an Upside Down world where a vastly inferior OS went on to dominate... Stranger Things have happened

Microsoft disappointed fans today by revealing that its Windows 1 teasing was not a precursor to another open-sourcing, but just a marketing tie-in. Now available in the Microsoft Store, the Windows 1.11 app is, as many suspected, just a bit of fun. Sadly, the thing doesn't manage to skin Windows 10 in something a little more …


    1. Trilkhai

      Re: Binged myself ill

      1985 was obviously better in Britain, musically at least and better monsters. ... Windows 3.11 was the best it ever got.

      Windows 3.1x didn't come out until 1992; Windows 1.x came out in 1985, and it definitely wasn't the best of the GUIs at the time.

      Musically speaking, I believe all of the English-speaking countries in '85 were getting a similar mix of each other's pop songs, so it's hard to say the experience was better on that count. (I have no idea what monsters you're talking about, so I can't comment about that.)

      1. Danny 2

        Re: Binged myself ill

        I'm fully aware when Windows came out. In 1985 I'd have still been on the Spectrum.

        In 1986 I was offered a job in a Californian record store on the strength of my Xmal Deutschland T Shirt because Americans didn't know squat about European indie music and that signified I was an expert. I had a good apprenticeship by then so I turned it down but the guy kept on phoning me asking what I thought about British bands he knew of and what bands I'd recommend.

        As to monsters, Cat Sìths, the Nuckalavee, Each-uisges and Wulvers. Plus the dreaded midge.

    2. hplasm

      Re: Binged myself ill


      Thought you had been using Bing for a minute...

  1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    At least it doesn't 'Phone Home'

    every time you do something

    That's about the only thing going for it.

    OTOH it isn't Windows 10 which is a HUGE plus in my eyes.

  2. Nugry Horace

    These days, of course, we can do better than EGA resolution for our Windows 1.x screenshots.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      It was possible even back then with the very expensive IBM 8514 adapter that could only be installed in an (expensive) IBM MCA machine...

  3. Paul Hovnanian Silver badge

    It was all explained ...

    ... in the novel "Einstein's Bridge".

  4. Suricou Raven

    We are in the crazy universe.

    In the sensible one, most people are running OS/2.

    1. Willie T

      Re: We are in the crazy universe.

      Sorry but I ran OS/2 Server as a plant LAN admin for 2 years. As soon as I was allowed I "sensibly" switched to Netware. And eventually, when NT 3.51 was available as a server O/S, we migrated to that. All the application support & GUI goodness (& a bit more buggy than Netware) but infinitely more stable than the crap-tastic OS/2.

  5. RegGuy1 Silver badge

    Netflix, however, has rated the show "15".

    Out of?

  6. largefile

    Just for the Microsoft haters who have been hating so consistently all these years on The Register. Microsoft's market capitalization is at 1.03 trillion US dollars and they are the most valuable company in the world. Oh man.....all these years of hating have done nothing but put Satya at the top to reinvent Microsoft. Your great grandchildren will probably be using Microsoft products and technology.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      And mafias of various kinds are now running most large countries, including China, Russia and the US. Unsure what your intended message was about MS being a winner, but winning doesn't have any relationship with quality, merit, vision or any of these positive attributes. Most likely the opposite these days.

      "Your great grandchildren will probably be using Microsoft products and technology."

      What technology did MS invent exactly?

      1. largefile

        I just find it delightfully ironic that for all the hating done in The Reg, all the prognostication of demise over the years (yes, go back and check it out) that Microsoft would be THE most valuable company in the world today must really sting a bit. I'm ok with it because I own enough shares of MSFT stock to retire if I don't live too extravagantly. I'll just piss away my days in my power recliner reading your venomous posts on my current Surface Book 2 which BTW is the finest laptop I've ever owned....and I've had a lot of them.


        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Again winning means nothing to those of us with values. Trump may win again in 2020. He's still an evil narcissist idiot that destroys the world he inherited and benefited from.

          Enjoy your mafia-funded retirement. Some of us have values and live by them, that's all. :)

    2. werdsmith Silver badge

      Hating Microsoft Windows is just fashionable.

      Of all the different OSes I use every day, the company laptop is Windows 10 and I wouldn't even know it because I just start my application and use it.

    3. Maventi

      > Microsoft's market capitalization is at 1.03 trillion US dollars and they are the most valuable company in the world.

      And how exactly does that benefit the average end user?

      FWIW the same goes for Apple, Google, et al with their respective platforms.

  7. Timmy B

    "hideous mish-mash of ancient operating system and GUI, held together with spit and duct tape"

    That's your Linux that is....

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Ancient compared to the OS that still uses 'C:' as the label for the root filesystem?

      1. werdsmith Silver badge

        You can't deny that shit is shit because something else is also shit.

      2. GruntyMcPugh

        @AC So, C: ,... /, ....

        SYS$SYSTEM is where it's at ; -)


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