Re: Well, there was this time...
"Interestingly", that's precisely the tactic used by the chap who burgled/bullshitted the Paris Accord/Convention with fictional data dressed up to present Calamity!/Armageddon! and on which the whole "result" depended. (The "paper" was rushed to publication in a manner and pace never seen before, AND every single delegate received a paper copy of same, and it was several times physically and dramatically brandished by delegates proclaiming how dramatic and urgent the situation was: "see!? PROOF!")
On being sprung using/having stolen a semi-AI-pseudo-model which the authors couldn't get to run twice and get the same numbers, and on being pressed to deliver up his data, he claimed his disk had corrupted.
On being told that he'd got so many genuine scientists so angry that they'd stumped up the money to have it forensically recovered, he "regretfully" informed them he'd smashed the disk with a hammer to protect the data from misuse.