Re: I just go with...
And for the entitled countries, you can add divide and conquer.
They have zero interest in making the world a better place, despite having the power to do so.
Rob Joyce, the former head of the NSA’s Tailored Access Operations hacking team, has spilled the beans on which nations are getting up to mischief online. Joyce gave one of the first talks at the DEF CON hacking conference in Las Vegas and interest was intense - the lines to get in stretched around the hall. Joyce …
The NSA doesn't actively practice hacking systems in the USA.We turn this over to the FBI and let them do it. We only get involved when these twits can't figure it out.
-NSA- ... Aodhhan
How long ago then did NSA get involved, Aodhhan?
And how frighteningly easy/impossibly difficult are agents finding mastery of the anonymous and autonomous in the field?
I'd wager they're realising IT has opened up a Colossus of a Pandora's Box which no oppressive and exclusive executive body will ever be enabled to command and control as if it owns it and has privileged rights to unconditionally use, abuse and misuse it.